Page 91 of The Venom We Bleed

“Juliet.” Lex’s voice is a warning. One that I ignore as I bend over and pick it up.

My hands are immediately coated in dust and grime. The burning rage inside me makes it so that I don’t care. Rage can do a lot of things. It can numb you to pain that would otherwise be debilitating. It can make you stronger, faster, and a hell of a lot meaner.

“How’s this for fucking attitude, Lex!” I scream as I heave it up and hurl the damn thing right towards the back window of his SUV.

The second the brick leaves my hand, it’s like the whole world slows down. I watch it fly the short distance and with as much anger and force as I’d put behind it, I’m not shocked whenit collides with the black glass and shatters it upon impact. Glass rains down against the pavement, pinging and skidding every which way. The cracking sound echoes around the near-empty parking lot, and for several seconds the two of us just stand there. It’s as if neither one of us can believe what just happened—what I just did. I don’t even think. I just run.

Anywhere as long as it’s away from here. Away from him.



It’s instinct.The chase. The thrill. The desire to hunt and feast. That’s why we’re taught not to run from predators. Running triggers their basic instinct to hunt. Only prey run from predators.

Now, Juliet is running from me and I am chasing her.

What I’ll do when I catch her … well, we’re both about to find out.

Juliet tears off across the parking lot, her blue hair flying behind her as she runs. My limbs are sore, not just from practice but from the extra punishment Coach heaped on me for not only being late, but for also being the only one of my brothers to have shown up at all. I give chase anyway, my legs devouring the space between us. I’m taller, and though she’s strong and fast, I’m fucking faster. I catch her at the far edge of the parking lot right where the road leads to the on-ramp of the highway. Before her feet can cross the strip of dead grass, I reach out and capture her.

A scream echoes back to my ears—not one of fear, but one of anger and annoyance. My lips twitch in amusement. This right here is what I’d been missing in all of our years apart. She couldn’t curse at me from photographs like she is now as I lifther in my arms, hefting her and throwing her over my shoulder in a quick move. No video could truly capture the warmth of her fists hitting my back as I carry her back to my SUV.

“Put me down!” she yells.

My hand lands against the deliciously rounded backside squirming over my shoulder with a loud clap. She freezes for a single second right before she’s back to cursing and hitting me, harder than before. Yeah. This is nice.

“You fucking asshole!”

Glass crunches under my shoes as I round to the passenger door. I pop it open and deliver her into the seat. Her punch slams into the side of my face the second she’s right side up and I react on pure impulse. My hand snaps out and grips her around the throat. I thrust her head back against the seat and glare down at her.

Blue eyes flash up at mine. Dangerous. Oh, my baby is so fucking dangerous to me. She’s not going to come willingly. She’s going to kick and scratch and make me bleed the whole way. The end result will be the same—she’ll be mine—but if she wasn’t like this, I wouldn’t want her. She’s a fighter and I’ll love all the scars she gives me. They’ll be far nicer than any my parents gave me.

“Behave.” It’s an order.

“Bite me.” She spits words like the foulest bile, but what she doesn’t understand yet is that I’ll do anything she asks of me—even if she regrets asking.

Tipping her head back, I lean into the cab of the SUV. I shift my hand up just enough to bare the length of her throat. Her t-shirt gapes to the side, revealing where her neck meets her shoulder. Without giving her a second to fight me, I sink my teeth into that place.

Pleasure bursts across my tongue. Her gasp echoes in my ears. She tastes like salt and vanilla. My teeth take her harder,digging down until her gasp turns into a sound of dismay and annoyance. Her little hands shove against my shoulders, but I take my time. I stroke my tongue over the bite mark, my lips quirking up when—as I pull back—I see the red half-circle imprint of my teeth on her skin.

“You fucking bastard…” The words are a breathy rasp.

When I straighten and look into her ocean-deep eyes, I work to keep my voice steady. Even so, when I speak, it’s through a deep growl. “Punishment is coming, baby…” For her or me, I’m not sure yet.

My thumb strokes along the curve of her throat and up to her jawline. She’s so fucking beautiful—like fire and ice captured into one infinitely human soul. I want to die like that. Again and again. In her arms. First by her flame, then by her frost.

Juliet’s chest rises and falls in rapid, sharp movements. I release her and step back, closing the door with a quick snap. I watch her dive for the handle with a scowl, but I’m ready for her. I press the button on my key fob and the doors lock.

Her eyes widen on the other side of the glass when she realizes that, unlike newer vehicles, my SUV has the old school knobs at the top of the door that disappears into a hole. She stares at it for a moment and then tries to lock her fingers around it. I hold the lock button down as I circle the front of the SUV. By the time I get into the vehicle, she’s fighting back more curses.

“What is wrong with you?” she demands. I crank the engine and reverse out of the parking spot. She yanks on the useless handle. “Let me out! This is kidnapping.”

I don’t bother to tell her to buckle up; we’re not going far. The breeze rolls in from the shattered back window and my lips twitch. I should be pissed, but I’m not. If anything, I’m amused by her reaction. Besides, Nolan has been wanting a reason to fix up the SUV.

Less than five minutes later, I pull onto a small, dark road just far enough off the main one to be hidden and less used. Directing the front of the SUV onto the shoulder, I slam it into park and remove the keys, deftly slipping them beneath the front seat as Juliet stews in hers.

I suck in a long breath. I knew it would come to this sooner or later. Now that she’s here, with me, in reach, I can’t help but find myself nervous.