His face tightens and he bares his teeth, the row of straight pearly whites almost appearing like fangs in the fantasy of the dark. This is so wrong and deviant and yet, I can’t stop. Not now.
Gio’s cock pulses in my hand, begging for release, and my body responds. My breasts swell and my pussy flutters with a tingling sensation. I rock into him as well, letting him feel my restlessness as it matches his own.
“Shit.” Gio’s hissed curse reaches my ears a split second before he moves. His hands grip my shirt at the collar, right above my tits, and with hardly any effort, he rips it straight down the front. Air washes over my nipples as they’re bared to him. His fists punch the mattress on either side of me once more.
“Harder,” he growls. “Stroke me harder. Make me come for you, Prep Girl.”
Focusing on the velvety skin of his cock against my palms, I grasp him tight and pump him hard. I squeeze him, my fingersrippling over his shaft as his hips continue to thrust against me. His eyes stay on my face, glittering dangerously. I swallow, my mouth dry as I keep looking from his face to his cock.
My nipples are hard little diamonds. I suspect I know where this is going. Therefore, when Gio rips himself away from my hands and takes his own cock in one too-tight fist, I’m not surprised. My belly quivers as I suck in breath after breath. I want it, I realize. The feel of his cum splashing over my skin.
He directs the head of his cock to my tits. “Hold them,” he commands.
I do, reaching up and grasping my breasts, pushing them together. I pinch my own nipples, needing the stimulation. A moan escapes me and he bares his teeth in response. Gio’s hand flies over his dick. He doesn’t even seem concerned by the metal piercing him. Each time he strokes up to the head, his knuckles practically whiten with how hard he squeezes. So obsessed with watching the way his hand moves, I hardly notice when his other hand moves up and clasps around my throat. When it does, though, that’s when he has my attention. I stare up at him as his fingers tighten around the sides of my neck but never push inward. I can breathe, but the sudden loss of blood flow makes the whole world go hazy.
I moan, undulating beneath him as he jacks off over my tits. He’s barely leashed control and hot olive flesh. He pumps his cock far more roughly than I did and within seconds, his groan of relief is filling the air. A scalding hot wash of cum shoots out and lands on my skin. He covers me, directing the streams of his orgasm all over my tits and paying special attention to my nipples. He bathes them in his release, seeming to get a sick sort of satisfaction in seeing me covered in him as his fingers contract around my throat.
My teeth sink into my lower lip as the world dances in and out of focus. My hands drag upward, moving through the liquidon my breasts. I trace my fingers through the cum there and circle my nipples. Gio curses, the sound equally as turned on despite the fact that he’s already had his release.
I feel floaty and empty-headed. The alcohol is finally doing its job. I don’t even care that there are too many shadows around us. I’m warm and tingly and for the first time in a long time, I feel safe—even if that, too, is an illusion.
Abolt of sunlight smacks me square in the face and a groan rumbles up my throat. I slap at the bed, searching until I find a pillow and then I yank it over my head, blocking out the light. My headpounds, but a low masculine chuckle has me lifting it again anyways. For a moment, I have no clue where I am. The room isn’t mine. The bedsheets aren’t mine. Hell, the mattress isn’t mine. Then I remember.
I’m at Nolan’s house, in his bed. Slowly, I turn in the direction of male amusement where I find none other than Nolan himself, sitting in that tiny scrap of a piece of furniture desk chair. He’s watching me with his elbow propped on the chair arm and one leg drawn up and crossed over the knee of the other. There are shadows under his eyes that make me wonder if he even slept the night before.
I glance down at myself, frowning when I don’t recognize the gray t-shirt I’m wearing because it’s definitely not what I put on for bed. The events of the night before come back in small increments, reminding me just what happened to that black tanktop. Another groan comes from me as I collapse back on the mattress and reach for the pillow once more.
“Too much tequila?” Nolan inquires, his tone light.
Lifting a hand from the bed, I flip him the bird and burrow back into the sheets and covers. I could sleep for a week and it still wouldn’t be enough.
“Come on.” The bed dips under a heavy weight and the pillow over my head is plucked away. “We’ve got plans today and you can’t stay here.”
I arch up onto the mattress, ready to spit bile his way when a water bottle is suddenly shoved in my face along with his open palm where two little blue pills rest. Scowling, I snatch the pills and water, downing them in record time. Glaring at Nolan as he waits patiently for me to finish chugging a good half of the bottle, I finally catch my breath and release it only for him to snag it from my hand and get off the bed.
“Breakfast is already ready, Princess,” he calls over his shoulder as he shakes the bottle in my direction. “Best get up and get ready for the day. We have a shit load to do.”
With a snarl, I dive for the pillow now sitting at the end of the bed and throw it at the back of his head. He laughs, easily dodging it as he slips out of the bedroom and closing the door.
Fifteen minutes later, I’m dressed, my face is washed, and I’m feeling marginally more human as I enter Nolan’s kitchen to find that we’re not alone. I carefully avoid looking in Gio’s direction as I head to the counter where a stack of pancakes wait on a plate as Lex scoops the last one on top. The back of my neck prickles with awareness as I grab one of the paper plates and fork over a couple of the pancakes before turning towards the others.
Nolan kicks out one of the four chairs surrounding the table as I approach and I take that as my cue to sit. All of the fixings for a good pancake breakfast are already set out, so I snag the butter and syrup and drench my breakfast in the sugary combo before spooning up some peanut butter right on top.
“Lex, your SUV is ready for pick up,” Nolan calls out as I stab a fork into the first bite and lift it to my lips.
Raising my head as I chew, I watch the goings on surrounding me as Lex pulls up the final chair with a plateful of his own breakfast. Gio has thankfully turned his attention to his food as he digs in and fiddles with his phone absently.
We’ve always shared our toys…
His words from the night before choose that exact moment to enter my head, reminding me of my idiocy. Peanut butter sticks to the roof of my mouth and I swallow roughly, trying to get it to go down. All around me, the guys act completely casual, as though they don’t know what I did with Gio in Nolan’s bed. Surely they do. Gio admitted as much—they don’t keep secrets from each other. Minutes pass in an odd sort of discomfort where I’m the only one who seems aware of their every word, every move. I finish my breakfast quickly, grateful for the pills Nolan had given me earlier because my hangover headache is finally abating.
I pick my plate up and snag Lex’s and Nolan’s on the way to the trashcan. I ignore Gio’s completely since his is still half-full of food. When I turn back around, I realize all three sets of eyes are on me. I lean back against the countertop, propping myself up as I cross my arms.
“Okay,” I finally concede. “What are we doing today?”