“Men are also liars,” Gianna says to Valentina. “You like Bria. There’s nothing wrong with that.”
Bria’s cheeks blister red.
I’m damned if I do, and I’m damned if I don’t. I refute; I hurt Bria’s feelings. I don’t say a word; I hurt Valentina’s feelings.
I soon understand Gianna’s game plan.
“And she likes you.”
“If you’re trying to make a point, get to it,” I say, not interested in playing this game.
“Kiss him then and prove me wrong.”
Bria looks at me, desperate I tell her what to do. We both know Gianna isn’t going to let this slide.
It’s just a kiss, right? What harm can it do? Other than hurt Valentina, that is, which is why Bria leans forward and presses her lips to mine.
It feels foreign to have someone’s lips on mine other than Valentina’s. It’s over quicker than it began. But Gianna tsks us.
“You can do better than that.”
I know she won’t stop until she makes her point. So I nod at Bria, hinting it’s best to get this over with as quickly as possible.
Bria takes a breath before slamming her lips to mine. She kisses me with passion, and it’s evident none of this is staged. She feels something for me, just as Gianna said. She wraps her hand around my nape and deepens the kiss.
I kiss her back, hating what this is doing to Valentina, but this is what she wanted. She sided with Gianna. This is now the consequence of her choices.
Bria is in control because I’m chained, but I’m a willing participant. A part of me, the asshole part, is pleased to know I’m hurting Valentina. It’s a side of myself I’m not proud of. But goddamn, it feels good.
Bria moans into my mouth, biting my bottom lip before sucking it softly.
“Bravo,” Gianna says, victory loaded. “But I still think we can do better.”
Bria places one final kiss on my mouth before pulling away. She only seems to realize the dangerous door we just opened.
“Fuck you,” she says, turning over her shoulder and glaring at Gianna.
I lock eyes with Valentina, and any part of me which relished hurting her is soon squashed because I realize she will never look at me the same way ever again.
It seems we only ever hurt ourselves and will continue to do so for the rest of our lives. We are toxic, but like most things that want to kill you, they’re the things that make you feel most alive.
“Touch him,” Gianna orders as Valentina closes her eyes tight.
“What? No,” Bria gasps, shaking her head.
But again, we don’t have a choice.
“Okay, fine. If you won’t, then Mario will. Mario!”
“All right!” Bria cries, tears in her eyes.
Gianna won’t be satisfied until she humiliates us all.
Bria strokes my face with an unfamiliar touch. I compare it to Valentina’s. My body doesn’t respond because it’s not Bria’s touch it craves.
Gianna clears her throat, hinting to continue.
“Just do it,” I say under my breath, giving her permission.