Me chained to a wall, it seems.
“Let Bria go. She’s got nothing to do with this. I won’t fight you.”
“We both know that isn’t true,” Gianna says with a smirk. “That’s why you’re here. If only you just left well enough alone. But now, you’ve left me with no other choice.”
I’m so done with this bitch.
“Oh, blah, blah, fucking blah. Go on then, let’s do this.”
“Lenny…” Valentina gasps, understanding this is a fight until one of us is dead. And seeing as I’m the one chained to the wall, the odds are not in my favor.
“Mario.” Just his name is enough of a cue for this motherfucker to jump to command, like the good dog that he is.
Mario punches me in the stomach, and as my head drops forward, he punches me in the jaw.
“Oh, you’re a big fucking tough guy,” I quip, laughter erupting from me. “You’re just another one of Gianna’s little bitches. Fucking pussy.”
Mario doesn’t appreciate the constructive criticism and kicks me in the ribs. He cracks two.
“Stop it!” Valentina screams, rushing forward and latching onto Mario’s wrist to stop him from punching me again.
But I don’t want her help.
“You chose your side, darling. Own it.” And only then do I meet her tormented gaze.
“This was never part of the deal!” she screams, pleading with an unmoved Gianna.
“What deal?” I wheeze, trying to see straight after Mario punches me in the face, breaking my nose.
Valentina’s bottom lip trembles.
“What fucking deal?” I scream, not at all moved by Valentina’s sudden regret.
“I was to bring her Aldo’s daughter, and my mother is free,” she confesses, head bowed.
Fuck you, universe, and your sick sense of humor. I practically delivered Bria to her on a silver fucking platter. I thought I was doing something to help Valentina. But I’ve done the complete fucking opposite.
“You do realize she doesn’t want Bria to catch up on old times! She’s going to use her as collateral! Aldo will do whatever she wants because unlike her, he actually has a heart! Fuck, Valentina!”
“I’m sorry,” she whispers, her regret clear. “I didn’t think she would hurt you.”
“Does that make it any better?” I demand, shaking my head at her. “You’re okay with someone who has nothing to fucking do with this being chained to a wall because Gianna has to play dirty? I don’t know who you are anymore.”
She gasps, wounded by my words.
“And I don’t plan on hurting him,” Gianna says calmly. “But Bria isn’t so innocent. What would your father think if he knew you were stealing from him?”
I don’t know how Gianna knows, but this isn’t good.
Bria doesn’t waver, however. “I’m dead anyway, aren’t I? So what difference does it make?”
Gianna walks forward and strokes Bria’s cheek with the back of her hand. “You’re much more valuable to me alive than you are dead. But I think we need to scare your father a little. What do you think?”
Again, she isn’t asking because there isn’t a choice.
Mario punches Bria in the stomach. She buckles in half, wheezing for air. Whatever air she manages to get is in vain because he punches her in the face, and the back of her head slams against the concrete wall.
He’s about to punch her again but stops when I burst into maniacal laughter.