“You owe me jack shit,” I clarify because she doesn’t owe me a thing.
She lets the matter slide. “Just tell me when and how because I don’t think Gianna is going to welcome me over for cake and tea.”
She’s right, which is why I reach for my phone and text Valentina the motel’s address and ask her to meet me right now.
“You must really love her.”
“Don’t use words I don’t understand.”
She nods, sipping her beer, knowing better than to argue because her battles are yet to come.
When a knock sounds at the door, I take a deep breath because this is either the smartest idea I’ve ever had or the dumbest.
Bria doesn’t stir from reading her book.
Standing, I have three seconds to call this off, but instead, I open the door and see Valentina. She looks at me with curiosity. I knew it would get the better of her and that she’d come.
“So, care to tell me what we’re doing in this shithole?”
I hear Bria chuckle from behind. So does Valentina as she stands on her toes to look over my shoulder, eyes narrowed.
I open the door wide, welcoming her in.
She steps inside cautiously, and when she takes in the scene before her, she is clearly confused. Her attention bounces between Lewis and Bria before it stays on Bria. She can guess who the guy passed out in the bed is, but she has no idea who the pink-haired girl readingMacbethis.
“Sit,” I order her.
She simply stands and folds her arms.
Well, this is off to a great start…
“That’s Lewis, my brother. I found him because Gianna knew where he was this entire time. She also knew he was a junkie but never told me that. I could have helped him before he became that.” I point at the bed, angered. “If she actually gave a fuck about anyone other than herself, then she would have told me years ago.”
“It’s not her fault your brother chose the path he did,” Valentina says, not a lick of judgment toward Lewis. For that, I’m glad.
“No, I know that, but it is her fault for purposely holding on to information when I asked her time and time again, and she blatantly lied to my face.”
I’m trying so hard not to yell, but just the thought of Gianna has me wanting to stab something.
“Who is she?” Valentina doesn’t hide her judgment this time when she glares at Bria.
Bria looks at me because this is my show.
“This is Bria.”
“Who is she?” she repeats, not interested in names.
I don’t want to give too much away, but how do I expect Valentina to trust me without telling her the truth?
I hope to fuck I don’t live to regret this.
“You remember Aldo, the man you said was coming for us? Well, Aldo is Gianna’s ex-husband. And this, this is his daughter.”
I look at Bria, ensuring this is okay.
She simply nods.
Valentina is utterly still. I don’t know if mentioning Aldo has stirred up feelings in her that still plague her dreams, but I need to tell her everything and hope it works.