Page 77 of Bad for You

“Brava,piccola,” she says with affection.

I suddenly crave it more than I thought I knew. I want nothing more than to please her, so I’ll do whatever she asks.

“Aldo has a daughter from a previous relationship. Bring her to me, and that’ll bring Aldo to you. She is his one and only collateral, which is why I’ve taught you not to attach.”

I know she’s speaking about Lenny. I suddenly feel so foolish for ever doubting her.

“What did Aldo do to you?” I ask because we’re all game players in this. I just don’t understand Gianna’s role.

“I want what is his,” she declares without pause.

“And what is that?”

“His empire. I’m his rival,piccola. Deep down, you knew this all along. This is why I keep to myself and why I have taught you to do the same. We cannot trust anyone, for I fear the time has come when a war must be had. I knew we would be here one day, which is why I’ve been preparing you. But I fear I have failed with Lenny. He has turned rogue, hasn’t he?”

I bite the inside of my cheek because she’s right. But no matter what Lenny has done, I can’t help but be loyal to him.

I knew Gianna wasn’t working a nine-to-five job, but finally knowing what she does, I don’t feel disgusted; I feel honored she saw potential in me when no one else did.

“My life isn’t normal, but this is my normal. I do not know any other way. This is why I left Sicily. This is why I must protect my empire; the people who want what is mine will stop at nothing until they steal it from under me.

“Aldo’s family and mine have been enemies for a very long time. This drug war started in Italy, and I fear it may end there.”

“What does that mean?”

“I need someone I can trust to look after business there. I cannot go back. I’m hunted. Which is why I stay here.”

I need some time to process this. I never would have guessed this, and now, I understand why Gianna waited for the right time to tell me.

I wasn’t ready before.

But now, I am.

The night when I killed that man was a test she laid down for me to see if I was ready. And I proved to her that I am.

“What is it you want?”

She places her hand on my cheek. I lean into it, never realizing how much I need her touch.

“Bring me Aldo’s daughter, then I will do the rest. Once Aldo is taken care of, your mother is free.”

“And what of your business in Italy?”

She smiles. “I raised you the way I did because I always intended to offer you a seat in my kingdom.”

“You wish for me to go to Italy, then?”

She nods. “But only if that is what you want.”

A new life paved with power and control? The temptation is too great to turn down.

But there is one thing holding me back—Lenny.

“Perhaps you and your mother could start a new life?” Gianna says gently, as if reading my hesitation.

A happy reunion is not in the cards just yet because she has eighteen years of explaining to do. But at least I know why she left me even though I don’t agree with her choices. But as I see it, Aldo is the reason my life is so fucked up.

I once thought him to be my savior, but now I see, he is a dead man walking.