First and foremost, I need to watch and learn because acting on impulse will not work in my favor.
IfLewis is in here, then it’s because he wants to be, hooked on whatever shit he’s putting into his body, and I know a happy family reunion isn’t in the cards for us.
I failed him when I promised that I would protect him.
He has every right to hate me.
Knowing he may have followed in the footsteps of our mom has me gripping the pendant around my throat, wishing for direction more than ever.
I have to meet Aldo soon, but I couldn’t not come here first.
I needed to see if what Gianna said held any weight. So far, I’m hoping she’s full of shit because if Lewis is here, then I fear he’s lost to me forever.
But that doesn’t mean I won’t try.
I’ll try until the day I die to save him. But I fear he may get there first.
A young woman with pink hair comes out of the front door. She’s wearing a school uniform. I watch with interest. She looks from left to right before taking the three stairs and hitting the pavement.
I want to ask her if she’s seen Lewis. But I don’t even know what he looks like. Or if he’s changed his name.
Did he grow tall? Strong? Is he still as stubborn as always?
I hate that I don’t know the answers to these questions.
And besides, I can’t ask anyone just yet because word will get back to him, and he’ll run. And then I’m back to square one.
I finally have a lead.
So I can’t blow it.
But patience isn’t my strong suit.
I decide to follow her, though.
I keep a fair distance behind and ensure I remain as inconspicuous as possible. She’s tapping her fingers on her leg to whatever song is playing in her earbuds. Rookie move. She walksabout without her hearing, a vital sense we need to ensure no one is following us, like right now.
She crosses the street in no real hurry, which makes me believe she isn’t strung out. She doesn’t appear to be jonesing for her next fix, which has me thinking she’s a dealer.
So the question is, where does she get the gear from?
I follow until she reaches an upmarket apartment complex, a completely different vibe from the crack house she was just in.
Now, this is something I was not expecting.
I have all the answers I’m going to get today, so I cross the street and make my way to Aldo’s store. It’s in a rough part of town. I’m not sure the demographic here would have any use for crystals, well, not the kind Aldo sells anyway.
I was half expecting this to be a joke, but when I see the storefront, I’m glad I’m not a betting man.
Pure Opalence.
That’s what Aldo’s store is called, a clever play on words for so many reasons.
The bell above the door alerts my arrival. I’m instantly hit with sandalwood and soft, calming music the moment I enter. The place is small but stocked well. Crystal ornaments, crystal jewelry, and all crystals known to humankind are laid out strategically.
A sign near the counter with an arrow pointing at the red curtain lets customers know you can get your palm or tarot read for ten bucks.
If I wasn’t standing here in chakra alley, then I would never believe my eyes.