I don’t ask.
I take.
Yanking up her nightgown, I let it be known that I’ll do with her as I please as I order, “Get yourself off because I sure as fuck am not going to.”
When she hesitates, I spit on her pussy. “That’s the only help you’ll be getting from me.”
A low moan escapes her, and she does as I say and begins fingering herself. Our eyes are locked the entire time. She bites her lip and spreads her legs wider.
I would be lying if I didn’t admit this turned me on a little. But not in the traditional sense. The power I have over her is what’s getting me off.
Perhaps I’ve found something I can control her with. I willneverfuck her. But fuckwithher?
Hell to the fuck yes.
She sinks two fingers into her pussy, pleasuring herself leisurely. Her pussy is like a Venus flytrap—trapping her unsuspecting prey to fulfill her carnivorous needs.
I laugh at the analogy, which enrages her.
“Should we call Valentina down here to watch? Perhaps she could learn a thing or two.”
The moment she says her name, I launch forward and grab her by the throat, squeezing hard.
A winded laugh escapes her.
“Do not speak her name.”
“Have I not taught you nothing? You continue to lead with your emotions. And that girl, she’ll be the death of you…in every single way.”
“What do you know of emotions, you heartless bitch?”
I tighten my grip and arch her neck backward, seething inches from her face.
The violence turns her on. I can hear by her breathless whimpers as well as how wet she is.
“I would rather lead with something other than greed because your empire won’t stand forever. It will crumble before your eyes. I’ll make sure of it.”
This isn’t helping me in any way, but I am done. She’ll never tell me where Lewis is. I’ve given up on that notion. But I can’t abandon Valentina.
“And that is why I have made mine yours, you silly, silly boy. Would you really destroy your own legacy? Would you destroyhers?” She gasps before climaxing with a sated moan as she reads the horror on my face.
I stand speechless because fuck me, I thought I was playing her, but…she fucking played me.
She smears her arousal across my lips with a victorious grin.
I wipe it away with disgust.
“One hundred and eleven Broadway Avenue…that’s where you’ll find the answers you seek.”
She pushes past me, freshly fucked.
While me…I’m just fucked.
The reason I’ve not set this crack house on fire is because Lewis may be inside. But the thought of him being inside here is just too hard to fathom.
My mom was a junkie. There’s no way Lewis would touch that shit. But could it be the case of the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree?
I don’t even want to think about that right now.