Page 24 of Bad for You

Her red lips are pulled into a thin line as she pats Cat. I don’t know how she got him, but I do know that this is not good.

“Why do you have Cat?”

Lenny discreetly shakes his head, hinting I’m not to ask questions.

He looks good in his black jeans, boots, and white shirt with a flamingo print. His hair is wet but flicked back like he ran his fingers through it. We both look different, it appears, but what’s the same is the fact he is still trying to protect me from the evil that comes.

“Valentina.” It’s the first time she’s said my name. It rolls off her tongue like she’s said it before. “I thought we established you were not to ask stupid questions.”

I don’t know if this is a trick question, so I persevere anyway. “We did, but I do not understand why you have Cat. Forgive me for my foolishness.”

She mulls over my comment, patting Cat.

“You are forgiven, but let this be a lesson learned.” She passes Cat to Lenny, who looks at her just as confused as I am. “Drown him.”

Surely, I misheard her. But it’s apparent I did not.

“What?” I cry, running forward, tears streaming down my cheeks.

Lenny clutches Cat to his chest protectively. “No.”

Gianna appears taken aback that he disobeyed her. “That wasn’t a choice. It was an order.”

“I don’t take orders from anyone.”

She laughs, but nothing about it is kind.

“Please, Gianna, no—”

I don’t have a chance to finish before she strikes out and slaps me across the cheek. She slaps me so hard, I taste blood.

Lenny growls, launching forward, but I thrust out a trembling hand, stopping him from lashing out at Gianna.

He thankfully obeys.

“I u-understand. It won’t happen again,” I say, allowing the blood from the corner of my mouth to trickle down my chin.

This is our first lesson, and we’ve both failed.

“Good because I do not give second chances. I will not raise weaklings. I need fighters. And if neither of you have brains and brawn, then it’s best I return you now.”

Return us? That’s how easily she can dispose of us.

She needs fighters? For what? Just who is Gianna, and what have Lenny and I walked into?

“We arenotweak,” Lenny says firmly.

“No, you are not. But you love,” she replies with disgust. “And that is what makes you weak.Lovemakes you weak. Love will be the death of you. Love does not do anything but hurt. Learn that, and you will survive in this world.”

I don’t understand any of this.

“What do you want with us?” Lenny doesn’t seem to care that Gianna is our judge, jury, and executioner. I admire his strength, and I know that Gianna does too.

Someone like her has done her research. She knows we’re the misfits who don’t do what we’re told. It’s a trait that works in her favor but also against her because, like any wild animal, she needs to break us in. And she knows we will fight her every step of the way.

She will take away the things we love to teach us a lesson, and now, I understand why she adopted both Lenny and me. He is the only thing I care about in this world. And I think he feels the same way about me.

We are one another’s collateral, and Gianna will use that for her gain.