It’s so big in here, I almost feel lost. I’m not used to such space. The bed is draped in pink silks with a sheer curtain hanging from the wooden posts. I’ve never seen such a design before.
My feet sink into the plush white carpet as I walk over to the walk-in closet. I see all sorts of clothes hanging from the rails, and when I open the drawers, I find clean socks and underwear.
Are these all for me?
I finger over the garments and decide on a simple white dress. The tag is still attached. I can see it cost a lot of money.
I place Cat onto the floor, and he goes about examining his new home happily. I think he will be happy here. But will I?
Grabbing what clothes I need, I walk into the attached bathroom and take a moment to appreciate its beauty. Everything is so white and clean. So clean it practically sparkles.
The claw tub, although beautiful, drags bad memories to the surface, so I strip off and turn on the faucets in the shower.
I will never take a bath again.
Pushing aside those memories that have no place in my new home, I step into the shower and stand under the hot spray.
It feels wonderful.
Having a shower all to myself is something I can get used to very quickly. I didn’t realize a shower could feel this good. I wash myself with the coconut-smelling soap until my fingers are wrinkled, but I don’t care because I finally feel clean—in every sense of the word.
I step out and dry myself with the huge fluffy towel.
I dress and take a deep breath before looking at myself in the mirror.
I don’t recognize the person I see.
My cheeks are rosy, and although I am tired, my eyes don’t appear afraid.
I look different.
I feel different.
Finding a brush in the top drawer, I comb it through my hair until it’s perfectly straight and soft. I don’t bother drying it because I’m running out of time.
I quickly brush my teeth.
I slip on my knee-high white socks and Mary Janes with five minutes to spare.
Closing the door so Cat doesn’t get out, I realize I have no idea where the gardens are. This is surely a test Gianna laid down for me, and I cannot fail.
Taking the stairs two at a time, I race out the front door because there are gardens out there, but when I don’t see Gianna, I take a left and run to the side of the house in hopes she’s there.
She’s not.
My heart is beating so loudly, I can hear it in my ears, but I don’t give up. I continue my search for what feels like hours, and as I run past the inground pool, I hear something catch on the wind.
It’s a tiny meow.
I pause and close my eyes, using the sound as my guide, and when I hear it again, I know it’s coming from down the hill. I don’t think twice and run so fast, the wind blinds me, but I continue going until I see Gianna standing with Lenny near a stream that snakes below the property.
Something is very wrong with Lenny’s expression, and I don’t know why until I see what Gianna is holding.
The decline is rocky, but I make it down without falling because I’ve already made a grave error, one in which I’m about to pay dearly for. I slow down and try to compose myself. But it’s too late.
Gianna looks at her gold watch. “You’re late.”
“I know,” I breathlessly reply. “I didn’t know where the gardens were. I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.”