Page 21 of Bad for You

But I don’t mind.

It’s sensory overload as I try to keep up with the sights and sounds that flood my brain. I’ve not seen or heard them before.

Being outside the walls of the orphanage reveals just how much I’ve missed. Being locked away was safe in a sense because being out here in the big world is terrifying. But as Lenny takes my hand, I know everything will be all right.

I still feel unease because everything is so…new. I didn’t realize the world was so big.

Franklin hasn’t spoken a word.

He looks at me briefly in the rearview mirror before returning his attention to the road. I wonder if he works for Aldo. That would make sense as the sisters wouldn’t allow us to leave unless payment was made.

But I can’t shake the feeling that something is amiss.

“Come now. She waits.”

Who is she?

Aldo never mentioned a woman.

It seems my questions are about to be answered when the van turns into a driveway. Big steel gates are in front of us, and a security booth is to the left. When the guard inside sees us, he nods at Franklin before pushing a button, and the gates open slowly.

The neighborhood is affluent, but I can’t see the house past the thick greenery that shields it from prying eyes. Lenny and I bend low in our seats to get a better look, and when Franklin ascends the driveway, we gasp in utter shock.

As the foliage peels away, a white mansion set on a hill can be seen. The windows are endless as are the stories. The house has balconies coming out from all sides, giving off the appearance of an almost compound.

Thisis our new home?

The closer we get, the more lavish I can see this place to be.

The lawns are manicured. The water fountain of three musical cherubs adds to the charm. The marbled stairs lead to white double doors.

Just who lives here?

Franklin parks the van and unlocks the doors, indicating we’re to get out.

I clutch onto Cat, suddenly more afraid than I’ve ever been before.

“It’s going to be okay.”

Lenny’s voice calms me, and I nod, realizing I can do this. I didn’t come this far to quit.

We step out, the thin soles of my shoes doing nothing to protect my feet from the graveled drive. Lenny stands in front of me, something I noticed he did with Father Merry.

He folds his arms and stares a hole in the front door as we wait for it to open. Franklin also waits, as it seems whoever owns this house demands respect, and when the white doors open, I understand why that is.

Sheis finally revealed.

Her long hair is blacker than the darkest night. But her eyes are clearer than a cloudless sky. She is slender but not frail. She fills her tall frame with ease. Her nails are bright red as are her lips. Gold jewelry complements her tight black pantsuit.

Just who is this woman?

Her heels click down the stairs as she approaches us. Lenny doesn’t move. He stands tall, protecting me. I appreciate the sentiment, but I don’t feel ill at ease with this woman. I don’t know why. I just know she isn’t going to hurt us.

So I step out from behind him and face the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.

She stops walking when we lock eyes. A look of perhaps surprise on her stunning face. It’s gone before I question it.

“Hello,” she finally says with an accent similar to Aldo’s. “I am Gianna Ricci, your new family. This is your home now.”