Page 18 of Bad for You

What the fuck happened to her?

When Father Merry appears at the top of the ladder, Valentina’s whimpers hint thatheis what happened to her.

I’m going to rip off his arms and beat him to death with them.

I give him a fright as he clearly was expecting her to be alone, but I stand my ground, arms folded, daring him to do his best because he won’t hurt Valentina ever again. He composes himself as he lifts himself into the room.

“It is forbidden for you to be in here,” he scolds, his beady little eyes narrowing.

“Same goes for you, asshole. The church is thataway.” I hook my thumb over my shoulder. “Did you get lost?”

“I don’t suppose you know anything about Hugo being attacked?”

“Nope,” I reply, my gaze never wavering. “When you find out who did it, let me know so I can give them a high five.”

“You are nothing but a sinner!” he bellows, charging forward.

I don’t move, however, and when he comes to a stop inches away, I hear Valentina whimper.

He peers over my shoulder at her, which pisses me off.

“Hey, don’t look at her,” I warn, standing tall because I’m bigger than him. “Look at me.”

“You’re both sinners,” he sneers, eyes still locked on her. “I should punish you both.”

“For what?” I challenge. When he continues eyeballing her, I shift, shielding her with my form.

“I can guess what you were doing up here. You’re nothing but a temptress, young lady,” he says, and I suddenly know why Valentina is so scared of him.

And that’s the reason I don’t even think twice before I headbutt Father Merry in the face.

His nose squelches as he drops to the floor, howling in pain.

I grip him by the shirt and get into his face. “Listen here, you disgusting fuck, you will never talk, you will never look at her ever again. Got it?”

Father Merry simply snickers. “Who do you think you are? I will have you both thrown into solitary so you can repent for your sins.”

It seems Father Merry isn’t listening. So I headbutt him once again. The force snaps his neck backward since I’m still holding his shirt.

His head lolls to the side as I drag him inches away from my face. “I said, got…it?”

Bloody foam bubbles gather at the creases of his mouth as he tries to speak. But I grip his chin and force his head up and down.

“Good dog,” I taunt, shoving him backward.

He falls onto his back, eyeing me something wicked. However, he knows better than to get up. He stays down, but I know this is the beginning of the end. If we don’t get out of here like Valentina said, then we’re about to suffer in ways unimaginable.

The gentle patter of feet across the cold floor calms me somewhat. Valentina is the only person who has that effect onme. She stands by me, peering down at Father Merry. I wonder what she sees.

She slowly turns to look at me and does something that surprised yet excited me when we were in the bathroom. Reaching up, she runs her thumb from the top of my eyebrow, over my eye, which I close, and down my cheek.

She pulls her thumb away, colored red from Father Merry’s blood.

“I like this face best,” she says in a dreamy voice.

“I do too. This face will always be yours,” I reveal, wanting her to know that I’ll always protect her no matter what happens.

She smiles, but that soon becomes a scowl when she gazes at Father Merry.