I nod because she’s right.
Gianna has the home-ground advantage. She won’t meet Aldo anywhere but here because she knows the moment she steps out of this house, she’s dead. That’s why she wanted Bria here.
And I delivered her on a silver fucking platter.
“Any ideas?” she asks, reading my thoughts on how screwed we are.
“Apart from ripping out Gianna’s heart and feeding it to her?”
Bria’s mouth twitches.
“I’m so fucking sorry I involved you in this mess.”
“Don’t go soft on me now, pretty boy. We both know Gianna always gets what she wants. We’ll figure something out. I know my dad, and although he’ll come alone and unarmed, his men will be waiting. He’d rather burn down this house with us inside than allow Gianna to win.”
She’s right.
“I always knew this would end in bloodshed. I just thought—” But I stop because I don’t want to be insensitive by adding I always thought Valentina and I would be fighting side by side. Not against each other.
“Even still, you love her.” It’s not a question but rather a statement, and there’s no point denying it because it’s true.
I will always choose her. She is my first and last choice because I love her so fucking much. I’ll never stop because she is a part of me. And she always will be. But that doesn’t mean I won’t kill her before she kills me because I know she’s out for blood.
Bria’s face falls, but her poker face soon slips into place. I wish I could say something that wouldn’t sound so fucking lame, but she knows, regardless of what Valentina has done, I will kill anyone who tries to hurt her.
What a fucking simp I’ve become.
“You’re loyal, Lenny, but can you say the same about her?”
“It doesn’t matter,” I reply because my loyalty will always lie with her.
“We are in this situation because of her! It matters a lot! For fuck’s sake.”
She has every right to be mad.
Fuck, I’m mad at myself for not being angrier at Valentina for what she’s done. But would I have done the same if I were in her shoes? The answer is yes. She is loyal to Gianna, and although we don’t agree on that loyalty, I admire her for sticking to her beliefs.
One day, she will see Gianna for what she is, but until that day, I can’t give up on trying.
Now is not that day, however, because when I hear the sound of heels stabbing at the stairs, I know the time has come. Gianna saunters down the stairs, her confidence suffocating, and why wouldn’t it be? Aldo follows her, at her mercy.
The moment we lock eyes, I know that either he or Gianna will be dead by the end of the night. However, it’s apparent that he doesn’t know who it will be.
He doesn’t cower or show fear. His pride wouldn’t allow it. Even though he is the underdog, he won’t beg. His relief is clear when he sees that Bria is okay.
“You were always one for theatrics, Gianna,” he says, unmoved.
This is all an act.
It’s killing him that his daughter is chained in a basement belonging to his demon ex-wife, and he is helpless to help her. He thinks he failed her. I also know he believes I failed him too.
“Let them go. You’ve made your point.”
Gianna grins. “Your compassion was always your downfall,bello mio.”
“What do you want?” Aldo doesn’t have time for small talk.
However, Gianna wants to gloat in her victory.