And then there was the last. Matthias.
I couldn’t read his expression. He seemed disinterested—bored, even—and the only indication that his mind hadn’twandered off to some daydream was the confidence with which his eyes found mine. Here in the courtyard light, their hazel hues outshone the others, but there was none of the earlier humor and passion in them now. Had I imagined it back in the forest? My insides squirmed uncomfortably, and I wrenched my gaze away.
“I’d best get some more rest before the dinner tonight,” I said to Isa, knowing full well that no amount of rest could prepare me for any of this. Before she could respond, I pivoted away from her and headed back to my room.
Chapter 24
As soon as the door closed behind the queen, I released an anxious breath. We all did, it seemed. Except for General Isa, whose calm demeanor might have been off-putting had it not been for her glowing reputation. She offered no apology for the queen’s behavior, and honestly, I might have thought less of her if she had. Her quiet confidence as she addressed us once again displayed the fearsome loyalty she held toward the crown and the one who wore it.
“As I said, dinner will be served in the ballroom promptly at sundown. Please do not be late,” she said, sliding her hard gaze at me as if I might have a habit of arriving at the last minute. But then she gestured me forward with a flick of her hand before waving over a stout-looking male dressed in a simple but elegant uniform. “Mr. Orelian, your valet will be happy to escort you to your suite. If you need anything, do let him know. Otherwise, I will see you all tonight.”
I should have probably paid close attention to my whispering competition, to gauge their reactions to the queen’s behavior, but my valet—who had an unexpectedly long gait for his slight stature—was already walking away without me.
I caught up with him as he exited into the front hallway.
“How was your journey, sir?” he asked with cold formality.
“Uneventful,” I offered, following him toward the castle’s main staircase and surveying the castle’s interior as best I could without seeming suspicious.
His brow lowered over small, wary eyes, and I could have sworn he laughed—just once—though it could have been a cough.
“If you consider carrying our unconscious queen back to the castle uneventful,” he said, his tone as icy as his sidelong gaze. It must have been a cough then; it was impossible to imagine this strange little male finding anything amusing.
Shrugging, I pursed my lips as we started up another flight. “Technically that was at the end of my journey.”
“The end is still part of the journey, sir,” he said and ushered me down a dimly lit corridor.
The oil lamps lining the walls all burned low, barely surviving on their last droplets of fuel and threatening to go out at any moment. Our footsteps echoed off the unadorned stone walls, and the further we traveled, the more my skin prickled with unease.
I forced as casual a laugh as I could muster. “I suppose you’re right. By the way, what’s your name? I’d hate to have to call youvaletthrough this whole tournament.”
“A confident fellow, aren’t you,” he said, more an observation than question.
Pulling the corners of my mouth down, I nodded a few times. “Usually, yes.”
He harrumphed. “Giles, sir. Though don’t bother to learn it. I doubt you’ll last the week.”
I started to say something more, but he stopped short at the end of the corridor and pivoted sharply on his heels. Had he not then swept his arm out in front of him, I might have missedthe door tucked into the shadows. Reaching into his pocket, he brandished a small key on a black ribbon and held it out for me.
“Your room, sir,” he said, tucking his chin toward his chest.
Slipping the key from his open palm, I slapped him on the back with just enough force to cause him to teeter slightly, but not so much that he actually stumbled. To his credit he kept his head bowed, though even in the darkness I could see his jaw tighten.
“Thank you, Giles. Sure you won’t come in?”
I had to press my lips together to keep from laughing at the male’s curtness, but part of me pitied the poor valet. How miserable life must be, to warrant such a cold and dry demeanor.
Giles finally lifted his chin when I unlocked the door and moved to step inside.
“You will find your wardrobe stocked with varied attire for the games. If you need anything altered, our tailor can help, though your late arrival gives you little time before tonight’s event.”
“I’m sure I’ll manage,” I said.
“Yes, yes. Such confidence.” He dipped his chin in a single sharp nod before asking, “Would you like me to fetch you for dinner?”