“Not my fault that your inappropriate comments conjure certain memories that I probably shouldn’t be reliving in the company of my husband’s best friend.”
“Fair, fair,” I said. “We done for the afternoon? I’d hate to send you back to your husband too worn out to reenact thosecertain memories.”
“Oh, I can always find the energy for that,” she said with a quiet giggle. “Still, I’m sorely out of practice—sparringpractice—with how long you’ve been gone recently, so…”
“No shame in knowing your limits,” I said, accepting her practice sword so I could return them to the table against the wall.
“Is that what you tell your soldiers? Seems limits would need to be pushed, in certain circumstances.”
“Of course, but with training, it’s all about balance, and knowing when to press on and when to rest.”
Lieke poured two cups of water and handed me one, scrutinizing me over the rim of hers as she took a long gulp.
“What?” I asked. “I always get so nervous when you get that look in your eye. I never know whether to expect a lecture, a compliment, or some random question.”
“Would you prefer I warn you first?”
I lifted a brow, curious.
“I have a random question,” she said, mischief twinkling in her deep blue eyes—the source of Connor’s nickname for her.
I released an exaggerated groan, throwing my eyes up toward the ceiling in mock annoyance. “What now?”
“Why is your sister—Sera?—a secret?”
With a casual frown to hide my flinch, I turned away from her and shrugged.
“Connor hasn’t told you already?”
“Said it’s your story to tell…if you’re willing. I won’t pressure you if not. I’m just curious.”
I couldn’t help but laugh. “When are you not curious?”
Lieke merely shrugged, but shot me a wide-eyed look of anticipation. I needed to sit down for this conversation, though. I didn’t know how much of it I truly wanted to divulge. Sliding down the wooden wall—my ass hitting the dirt a bit harder than I’d intended—I tossed my head at the spot beside me, then laid it back against the wall as she joined me.
“She’s actually my half-sister. My father—a fae—had married Sera’s mother—a human—first, but she fell ill when Sera was still young, well before the war, and he married my mother—a fae. Sera didn’t inherit our father’s fae ears, which wasn’t really an issue?—”
“Until after the war,” Lieke chimed in quietly. I nodded.
“She lives in the woods outside of Holsham with her two children, relying on fae friends to bring her supplies during the most tumultuous times between our kinds.”
“What about her husband? Is he human?”
A faded memory of Gabriel and Sera—smiling over their newborn daughter—came to mind, making it hard to swallow as my throat constricted.
“He was fae,” I explained. “Fought with Connor and me during the war. Died in battle. Connor ensures she and the kids are looked after, though she has repeatedly refused his invitations to come live at the palace where she could be protected. She just couldn’t bear to leave the home she’d built with him.”
“Oh, Matthias,” Lieke whispered behind fingers splayed before her lips.
“It’s okay,” I said, shrugging. “It was a long time?—”
“Don’t,” she commanded. Dropping her hand into her lap, she stared out at the training ring. “Time doesn’t actually heal our wounds. It just covers them up with all of life’s other shit, keeping us distracted until something randomly reveals them and catches us off guard, reminding us they’re still gone and we’re still hurt.”
“You’re right. But some of us heal faster than others,” I explained, but I couldn’t tell if she really believed me. She was quiet for several breaths, and I let my eyes close while I tried to lock the unearthed memories back up in my mind.
“Is Gabriel why you refuse to love?” Lieke asked gently, but having the topic of my love life brought up twice in one day made it irk me more than it probably should have.
“No,” I said, perhaps a little too curtly. “And I’ll have you know, I don’t refuse to love. I simply don’t see the use for it.”