Page 21 of Once the Skies Fade

“And what is that? Your Highness? Sir? Mr. Durand?”

I laughed again when the king’s nose wrinkled at that last suggestion.

“Sir will suffice,” he said, rolling his shoulders as he studied the line of troops.

“Yes, sir,” I obliged.

“You’ve done a great job rebuilding our force. How do you think…” he paused, lowering his gaze to the ground before starting again. “What are the chances our advantage from the Arenysen alliance has disappeared with…”

His words trailed off, and I wasn’t about to supply the end of that thought. It had only been two weeks since Brennan’s death. Between his grief over this loss and his guilt from the years of abuse he’d inflicted on his sons, it was understandable he’d have difficulty speaking about it. Both appeared to have taken a toll on the male. Though his health had already begun to decline with the death of his mate years ago, his eyes now seemed dimmer, as if his very spirit was fading away. Still, he was my king until he officially passed the title on to Connor, and my duties as his general required disclosing intelligence as I received it.

“My scouts have noted potential…difficulties on the horizon.”

“From Wrenwick?” the king asked, his eyes alight with what appeared like hope, which I regrettably had to douse quickly with the truth.

“No. King Olander appears to be distracted with personal matters within his own borders. Unfortunately, my concern is Arenysen itself.”

The king’s face fell. “Poor Calla. She lost her parents, her husband, and now these rumors. How anyone could think she killed him…” His voice tapered off.

“I’m keeping an eye on it though, Your—” The king’s brow shot up, and I corrected myself, saying, “Sir.”

The king nodded brusquely. For a long moment he was silent as he continued to watch our soldiers spar, though his attention appeared to be elsewhere. It wasn’t until Tanner, from the other side of the field, called out the end of training for the morning that the king seemed to snap back to the present.

“Will you be dining with us?” I asked, though as expected he shook his head, rubbing his hand behind his neck.

“I appreciate the invitation, but Connor and Lieke are expecting me.”

“Ah, the lovebirds,” I said as sweetly as I could. Not that I begrudged my friend finding his mate, but it was a lot of affection to handle as a bystander.

“Careful, general. Your cynicism is showing,” he said with a hollow laugh. His amusement didn’t reach his eyes.

I offered an apologetic smile. “I’ll work harder to keep it under wraps.”

The king studied me for an uncomfortably long time. “I fear we’ve asked too much of you, Matthias.”

Confusion swept over me. “What do you mean?”

“You’ve spent most of your life fighting for this family––leading our armies, supporting my son. All of your focus has been on our needs and not your own.”

I pulled my mouth into a frown. “I wouldn’t say all of my focus.”

“But you won’t find love on the battlefield or at the end of a sword.”

“I find plenty in taverns and?—”

The king scoffed loudly behind a half-hearted smile. “I saidlove, not lust.”

I shrugged a shoulder and looked off to where the palace lay beyond the trees. “It’s enough for me, sir.”

“It won’t always be,” he said, and I clenched my teeth hard to prevent myself from arguing further. Not all of us wanted romance. Not all of us cared to find our mate—if they even existed.

Instead I dipped my chin, saying, “You sound just like your son.”

The sharp thwack of wooden blades echoed off the high ceiling as Lieke parried my strike and quickly countered it with one of her own. Even years later, I marveled at how she’d improved. Her mortality still slowed her movements, but being bonded to a fae—and thereby lengthening her life—had brought unexpected benefits, like heightened agility and speed.

“I miss these sessions of ours while you’re gone,” Lieke said, trying to hide how breathless she was becoming as she backed away from me, though still continuing to circle. I didn’t bother pursuing her as I would if we were seriously training. Instead, I slowly pivoted around with her as she moved.

“Oh, is Wolfie not satisfying your needs?” I asked. My smirk slipped into a triumphant smile at the sight of pink rising in her face. “The fact that you still blush over these things amuses me.”