Page 17 of Once the Skies Fade


But they didn’t converge on the map’s label of the human kingdom to the south. They settled on the northern peninsula, shifting to form the crude shape of a crown and dagger—the royal crest sitting in the very spot of Wrenwick Castle, where King Olander ruled.

Chapter 8


The entire journey back to the palace, Tanner and I rode in silence, giving me plenty of time to fret over how to broach the topic of Calla being responsible for Brennan’s death. While Connor would likely be open to accepting the possibility, Lieke would not. She and the queen had become close since they’d wed the Durand brothers, and that friendship would make this a less-than-desirable conversation, especially since I had likely also missed the burial.

The sun had just dipped below the treetops when we finally arrived at the palace, and before I’d even dismounted, my future queen appeared at the entrance to the stables. Her lips quirked up on one side in a knowing smirk as she shook her head slowly.

“Is he that mad?” I asked, halting Storm and stepping down into the dust. I pulled the reins over my mount’s head and tossed them to Tanner, who was already leading his horse inside.

Lieke pushed away from the wall and strode toward me. “Well, he certainly isn’t pleased.”

Rolling my neck, I tried to work out the tension from the hours of riding. As much as I wanted to retire to my own apartment, I couldn’t ignore my duty to my crowned prince and best friend. Lieke fell in line beside me as I led the way tothe palace entrance, but now her mocking expression had fallen away to reveal one of quiet grief.

“You seem to be doing better,” I said.

A single, empty laugh escaped her. “Some moments are easier than others. I assume you didn’t find Raven?”

I shook my head. “Seems she likely passed through Holsham as that Marstens fellow said, though she may have slipped into Kinham.”

“Still no sign of Marin either?”

“Nope, and few are willing to talk. For all I know it could have been her sneaking south instead of Raven. Enough about my failures, though. How was the burial?”

Her shallow shrug brushed against my shoulder. I slowed my pace and eyed her curiously as I waited for her answer.

“As hard as you’d expect.” She paused, and her brow tightened. “Though Calla surprised me.”

Instinctively my teeth clamped down as if biting back the rumor my sister had shared, though that made it vastly more difficult to respond verbally, so I forced my jaw to relax before asking, “How so? She wasn’t dancing a merry jig or anything I hope.”

“Only if that jig consists of suddenly sprinting away from the gravesite and taking off on one of her guard’s horses.”

My next step faltered, and I pivoted, dragging Lieke by the elbow until she faced me. “She did what?”

Lieke’s shoulders lifted clumsily as genuine concern pulled at her features. “I mean, I guess it makes sense. If I lost Connor, I wouldn’t want to be around anyone either. Grief isn’t easily shared for some. I should have given her more space.”

“Regardless of what youshouldhave done, you can’t go back and change it. All you can do is move forward.”

We continued on in silence, giving me the opportunity to ponder her description of the queen’s behavior. If Calla hadno hand in her husband’s death, then her fleeing fit with the remorse she’d inevitably suffer; however, guilt too could drive someone to run like that.

Stars-damned rumors. I needed to talk to Connor.

Lieke followed me into Connor’s office, where he stood looking out of the window behind his desk. I stopped behind one of the chairs that sat in front of his desk while Lieke settled herself into the other. Connor didn’t turn fully, but angled his chin over his shoulder.

“You’re late.”

Clearing my throat was apparently the wrong thing to do, because my friend spun on his heel to face me, his eyes wide in silent question.

Lieke laughed quietly. “Settle down, Wolfie. I’m sure he has a good reason for missing it.”

Connor held my gaze intently as his wife leaned toward me and whispered, “You weren’t delayed by Hailee and her bed again, were you?”

I shook my head, but Connor remained tense. “Hailee tried to protect the woman, refused to give us any information, but in denying?—”

“She confirmed Raven had been there,” Connor finished my thought for me, and I dipped my chin in response.