It was like that old myth the humans once believed about not making deals with us fae, as though we all took some wicked delight in toying with mortals. Of course, there were some delights to be had with them—some of them, perhaps, evena little on the wicked side—but not in the sense the humans believed. No, it wasn’t the fae that deserved such suspicion; it was the mages.
Or rather,themage.
Minerva was the only one I’d ever heard of, though she had mentioned a sister once. Something about her being lost in time and space, but that seemed nothing more than the nonsensical ramblings of a psychotic recluse.
Pulling my mind back to the present, I followed Graham further and further into this trench. After several minutes of nothing but our boots scuffing against the ground, I sighed loudly, if only to irritate my companion.
“If I’d known we were going on such a long hike, I would have requested provisions,” I said.
Graham didn’t look back at me but tugged on the chain lead once more. “As if you were in any position to make such a request.”
“Whether you listen or not, there’s nothing to stop me from asking.”
This time he did peer over his shoulder, a smirk creeping across his lips. “A swift punch to the face? A gag? More poison?”
“I could still talk with a swollen lip, can make obnoxious noises around a gag, and, well, rendering me unconscious doesn’t seem a viable option. Would be a shame for you to hurt your back trying to carry me.”
“You do love the sound of your own voice, don’t you?” He snapped his head back around.
“It is pretty nice. I mean, Calla seems to appreciate it.” I watched Graham’s back as I mentioned the queen, but he neither tensed nor bristled in response, two reactions I would have expected if he were doing this all out of jealousy.
“Too bad she’ll never hear it again,” he said.
“You don’t expect her to find me? I am her mate after all.” Again, no reaction, except a slight tremor through his shoulders when he laughed.
“It will be rather hard for her to reach you here—at least in time to do anything to save you.”
“Is that why?—”
Graham held up a hand, his feet skidding to a stop, and I clamped my mouth shut on my unfinished question. His head shifted to the left and then to the right.
“What is it?” I hissed.
Before he could answer, a tall figure seemed to slip out from the rock fifty meters ahead of us. He didn’t approach, but remained standing, his feet set firmly and arms crossed at his midsection. A sentry of some kind. He had to be a good half-meter taller than either of us, his black eyes glaring down at us as if we were nothing but inconsequential vermin about to be exterminated. From this distance I could see the ink that decorated his hands and neck, but I couldn’t make out what the designs were. His rounded ears indicated he was no fae—at least not a full fae.
Graham took a bold step forward, which pulled the chain between us taut so that my arms extended out straight in front of me.
“Alek,” he said, and the stranger dipped his chin slightly in recognition. “I’m here to see the Lassiters.”
Alek started to shake his head before Graham was finished. He pointed a long, slender finger my way. “Not with him.”
Now Graham bristled. I nearly chuckled at seeing him so perturbed.
“He’s a gift, a fae. Thought they could use him.”
“Perhaps you should have checked first,” Alek said, and I might have liked this guy’s matter-of-fact handling of Graham if it wasn’t for the discomfort he sent shooting through my veins.
“Can I at least plead my case before they decline?” Graham asked.
“Not with him,” Alek repeated. His dark eyes flashed to mine, and despite my longing to look away, I couldn’t.
Graham huffed out an impatient groan. “Can you watch him?”
“I’m not a babysitter,” he said, and I could have sworn a smile almost cracked through his cold demeanor.
“Last I checked, that was exactly what you were.” Graham sniggered.
In a flash, Alek was standing in front of Graham, looming over him. His spindly fingers snatched Graham up by the neck and lifted him off the ground until their eyes were level.