Page 150 of Once the Skies Fade


“He’s a good one,” she said. I nearly argued with her, to point out how he’d lied and manipulated me, but her next words stayed my tongue. “He’s not perfect—no one is—but he means well, and as much as he’ll claim to not be a romantic like Connor or my cousin, he serves with his whole heart. Always doing what he feels is right, even when it could cost him everything.”

Chapter 66


Icouldn’t hear anything in this blasted room. The Assembly had ordered Isa not to put me with the other prisoners, fearing what I might say to my sister and Raven, I supposed. At least Isa had done me the favor of not chaining me to the wall as Calla had the last time she’d visited me down here.

Still, with no windows and no sounds, it was impossible to know how much time had passed aside from pacing along the walls. I’d made the small loop at least seventy-eight times before I’d given up counting and resorted to sitting on the floor. Eventually, Isa herself brought me a meager dinner of bread, cheese, and water, apologizing that she couldn’t get me anything more.

“Are you sure you won’t tell me?” she asked, looking over her shoulder at me from where she stood at the door, about to pull it open.

I forced my bite down and followed it with a small sip. “I’d rather she hear it from me first.”

“Even if I promise not to tell her?”

“Sorry, general,” I said. “Can you just let her know I’m here when she’s ready?”

“I will,” she said, turning to pull the door open. She stepped one foot out into the hallway before pausing to glance back. “I just hope she’s ready before the Assembly hangs you.”

“Me too.”

Another eighty-four times around the cell I paced, and Calla still hadn’t shown up. Unable to fight the exhaustion any longer, my sigh shifted into a yawn, and I settled down on the cold stone floor. Leaning my head back against the wall, I let my eyes drift closed and welcomed whatever dream my mind created.

Of all the places I could have landed in my dreams, the edge of Calla’s demon forest was one of the last I would have chosen. Looking down, I noted the black cord around my neck and plucked the vial up from where it rested against my chest. Hopefully I wouldn’t need to fight off the forest in this dream land, but just to be sure, I tucked the pendant back into my shirt and adjusted my collar to hide it.

Glancing around, I shivered at the eerie feeling that I’d been in this very spot before.

Of course, I had been here. This was where I’d brought Oryn, hoping to find a guard to save him.

But at my feet there was only grass and leaves and dirt, no sign of my friend. For a moment, I wondered if he’d passed already, hoped I’d make it back to Emeryn for his burial. If not, I’d need to ensure I visited his grave once I completed this tournament.

Assuming I survive this tournament at all.

Cautiously, as if this wasn’t a mere image painted from my memories, I stepped out of the forest, half-expecting Asher or one of the other guards to rush at me and punish me for breakingthe rules of the trial. But no one came. The sunshine warmed my skin, and I lifted my face, closing my eyes as I soaked up its heat.

“You’re not supposed to be here.”

The voice pulled a smile to my lips, but I didn’t move, as if I could savor the feel of the sun on my face and the sound of her voice in my ear as long as I remained still.

“Hello, Killer,” I said around my grin.

“Why do you call me that?” she asked. When I shifted my head up to look at her, she wasn’t where she had stood with Asher during the trial. Instead, she was inside the forest, leaning back against a large tree.

“It sounds a bit like your name. Killer—Calla,” I said, pulling my mouth into an upside down smile while I shrugged.

Calla lifted a brow. “And my being accused of killing my husband has nothing to do with it?”

I waved a hand in the air, dismissing the comment. Gingerly, I took a step forward. “And why am I not supposed to be here? This is my dream, after all.”

Her entire body went rigid—not blinking, not breathing, nothing. Leaning closer, I waved my hand in her line of sight, and she finally blinked rapidly until her eyes focused on me again.

“This isn’t your dream,” she said, frowning when I started to laugh quietly to myself.

“You’re right,” I said, fighting not to smile when I noticed her relax a little. “I mean, technically it’sourdream.”

Her eyes widened slowly. Her lips parted, but she didn’t say anything. Daring to move closer still, I surveyed the surrounding forest as I continued to speak.