Page 134 of Once the Skies Fade

“So many words from such an insignificant male,” Korben said.

I shrugged. “I mean, being tied for the lead in this competition seems far from insignificant, especially given how far behind I was in both the first two trials.”

Graham narrowed his eyes and eyed me thoughtfully. “Do you ever think you’ll win a trial by actually performing well in it? Or will you merely get lucky every time?”

“Good questions,” I said, nodding for a bit before continuing. “Though I would argue it takes more than luck to befriend a dragon shifter—and in such a short time, too. I do concede that it may have been pure dumb luck that the general happened to be judging that second trial in such a way. Still, winning by luck is still winning, so I’ll take it.”

“You haven’t won yet,” Phillip noted through his wry grin.

I laughed—the only one in the room to find that funny, apparently. Before I had time to formulate a response, the door opened and Calla strode in with Isa close behind her. Callamerely nodded to the room, not making eye contact with anyone as she took her seat.

Isa remained standing and rested her hand lightly on her chair as she addressed us. “Thank you for being here. Shortly, the staff will be bringing in the mid-day meal. I believe it’s a baked fish and vegetables, with a honey custard for dessert. We ask that you all stay seated following the meal, so I can introduce the third trial. Are there any questions before we eat?”

Korben, Graham, Warren, and Ursula all began to speak at once, but they didn’t manage more than a couple words each as Isa snapped her hand up to stop them.

“Yes, General Orelian remains in the competition. Despite your request that the citizens’ forum be akin to a trial, it was still not an official one. As the primary adjudicator of these games, I have personally assessed the situation. While the general did challenge the queen—at considerable risk, I might add—we are not here to select a king who will agree with Her Majesty all the time, even if she might prefer that. Arenysen needs a ruling pair who can work together, who complement each other, and whose strengths offset the others’ weaknesses. The general’s actions yesterday may have, on the surface, seemed out of line, but I found it admirable that he would risk disagreeing with Her Majesty in order to save others.”

“To save spies, you mean,” Warren hissed.

Isa’s sharp eyes swung to the male, narrowing on him. “Were you not one advocating for proper trials? Of all on the Assembly, I would expect you to appreciate the general’s actions in demanding a hearing for the accused.”

Graham lifted a hand, but didn’t bother to wait for Isa’s approval before he spoke. “While I agree we want a king willing to challenge Calla as needed, doing so in front of so many yesterday was less than ideal.”

Isa nodded slowly. “Agreed. Normally I would prefer for these disagreements to be addressed privately before being debated before the public; however, as tense and”—she glanced down at Calla almost apologetically—“volatile as the situation was, I believe the general acted accordingly to stop further bloodshed.”

Ursula cleared her throat. “Thank you for that explanation, general. I believe that will suffice.” She glanced around at her fellow advisors, who all gave nearly imperceptible dips of their chins. “Now, let’s eat before the fish becomes overcooked and inedible.”

Chapter 57



The word reverberated in my head, pricking my conscience with every mental bounce and spin and turn. Isa wasn’t exactly wrong in using it, but still. I wasn’t particularly proud that I’d created such a situation last night.

But I didn’t create it. The humans did.

The meal was uncomfortably silent, and the clinking of the silver utensils on the dinnerware began to grate on my nerves before the first plate had been cleared away. The tension among the males only increased as time went on, Korben regularly glaring at Matthias with his loathing on full display. Graham at least seemed to attempt to hide his occasional scowls across the table. Matthias, as expected, pretended not to notice their animosity, even going so far as to smile at them in turn. Phillip shifted in his seat throughout the entire meal, so much so I half-wondered if he hadn’t had too much water and needed to relieve himself.

I could barely even enjoy my dessert—though, to be honest, it wasn’t one of my favorites from Chef Xavier’s repertoire—as weneared the kickoff of the third trial. This trial had seemed like a grand plan when we’d initially designed it before the males had arrived—before Matthias had ridden in and mucked up all of my plans for an emotionless, empty match. Now, even if he didn’t win, I’d be stuck in a dreadful marriage pining after someone else.

Matthias hadn’t actually performed well in the last two trials—though he’d come out on top regardless. There was little Isa could do in this next challenge to sway it in his favor if he didn’t succeed.

I stole a glance his way, only to meet his gaze. My shadows danced against the surface of my palms, but I held them steady. Smiling, I dropped my eyes back to the half-eaten honey custard. I should have probably warned him last night of what was to happen today. In fact, I had intended to after the citizens’ forum, but with the humans’ arrival, myvolatiletemper, and that whole worry over being mates, I’d all but forgotten.

Until now.

Could I watch him do this trial?

Could I witness him try to outwit death?

Did he have the knowledge he needed to beat this test?

Trust him.

I do, but I don’t trust these other males.

Or the vindictive assholes at the other end of the table.