I nodded slowly, noticing how her words seemed to be more for her own comfort than mine.
Leaning closer, I lowered my voice into a whisper. “What will become of my sister and Raven?”
“We are working on it,” she said, quickly stealing glances in either direction when she paused. “The utmost care has to be taken to ensure no one can call foul.”
“And releasing me? What’s the official excuse?”
“That will be shared at the trial,” she said, hastily pushing me to keep moving. We navigated the last several flights in silence, and she didn’t speak again until we reached my room at the end of the dark hallway. “Giles should have already drawn a bath for you. Please be down in the family dining room promptly at mid-day.”
Turning in my doorway to face her, I asked, “And will that be the start of the trial? Do I need to bring anything special? A weapon perhaps?”
“No weapons necessary. Just bring yourself.” She bowed her head slightly and plodded back down the hallway.
Not wanting to be late, I arrived at the dining room a bit early to find the Assembly members already seated around the table, along with Phillip and Graham, the latter of whom seemed surprised—and not too happy—to see me. Unlike the last meal we had enjoyed in here, the four male competitors were all seated together, our seats indicated by ornate place markers, with two on either side of the table, near Calla’s seat and Isa’s beside her.
“Good day, Mr. Orelian,” Ursula said, lifting her chin so she could peer down her nose at me despite the fact that I was still standing behind my chair.
Fern—seated beside the prickly female—leaned over slightly and sweetly corrected her. “I believe it’s General Orelian.”
Ursula scowled at her, but I offered a simple smile, nodding my thanks, even as I explained, “I’m no general while competing in these games.”
“How is it you’re still competing?” Warren bit out, making no effort to hide his disdain. “Did you break out of your cell?”
“You’ll have to ask General Marlowe or Her Majesty,” I answered, sliding into my seat across from Graham.
Graham held his usual derisive expression, his initial shock fading into renewed contempt for me. Perhaps my little stunt at the citizens’ assembly negated any good graces I’d secured in the last trial. Was he angry at me for challenging Calla? For protecting the women? Or… was he simply bitter that even that action couldn’t get me disciplined and removed from this competition? Maybe it was all three. It didn’t truly matter. Graham was clearly not going to give me any useful information beyond what I could observe.
“You don’t look happy to see me, Graham,” I said, taking a sip from the glass of water in front of me.
The male’s features didn’t shift aside from a faint twitch of his right eye. “Just surprised to see you.”
“Same,” Phillip said, looking at me sidelong. He nudged my arm with his elbow. “On time, anyway.”
Our laughter—though light—was interrupted by Warren’s scoffing.
“And she claims no favoritism.” He leaned back in his seat and exchanged a knowing look with Graham, who remained silent.
The older advisor, Yuri, did chime in though. “Now, Warren, that’s rather unfair. You may not trust Her Majesty, but her general is the one running the tournament, and surely we can trust her.”
Ursula dropped her elbows hard onto the table and pinned Yuri with one of her vicious glares. “If you think the queen doesn’t have her ruthless fingers in every part of this mockery of a tournament, then you’re as foolish as those humans were yesterday.”
Graham shot to his feet, his chair grating against the stone floor so loudly most of us cringed. “I may no longer be the chief advisor”—he glowered down at Ursula—“but I won’t allow you to speak of your queen in such a way.”
“Settle down, Graham,” Warren cautioned.
“I don’t take orders from you,” Graham said, though he still returned to his seat, where he stewed silently until Korben walked in a few awkward moments later.
He grunted in way of greeting, heading straight for his seat without affording anyone a glance. Once he was seated, though, he spotted me and froze, his hand lifted halfway toward his water glass.
“What the fuck is he doing here?” he spat, not taking his wild eyes from mine.
“Nice to see you too,” I said around a demure smile.
“Seems some are immune to the queen’s deadly outbursts after all,” Ursula stated. “I am curious,GeneralOrelian, how did you convince Her Majesty to spare you?”
“And those women,” Warren added, waving his hand in the air toward the female advisor. “I hear they’re still alive and well down in the dungeon.”
“About as well as one can be in such a place,” I said. “Respectfully, I must defer to General Marlowe and the queen, as it was their decision, though I am incredibly honored that you think me persuasive enough to sway their judgment in my favor.”