“Now, Matthias,” she said, lifting her ledger once more. “I watched you at the start of the trial. The care you took to help your rival overcome his fear is commendable. As Phillip has attested, you saved Graham and ensured he was brought to safety. You also devoted your energy—to the point of nearly drowning—to defeating the beast that guards those stones, all so your competition could survive their swim back to shore. Some may think you foolish for caring more for the welfare of others than for your own success, but for the purposes of this trial, it was precisely what we were hoping to see. You not only demonstrated the impressive physical strength necessaryto push your body to its ultimate limits and still defeat the vestiliaga, but you also displayed a prime example of a strong spirit. For this, I am awarding you one hundred points.”
I froze, unable to speak—possibly for the first time in my entire life. No one spoke, in fact, as all four of our mouths fell open.
Isa didn’t seem to notice as she concluded. “This leaves us with you and Phillip tied at the top and Graham and Korben trailing behind you. Now, let’s return to the castle. I’m starving, as I’m sure you are as well.”
As we all climbed into our carriages, I braced myself for some snide comment from Graham, undoubtedly upset that Phillip and I had each knocked him from the lead, but it never came. As he settled into his seat, the guard closed the door, giving a single tap on the side of the carriage to signal the driver.
After several minutes in tense silence, Graham finally whispered, “Thank you.”
“It was nothing,” I said.
“No, it wasn’t.”
I exhaled loudly. “I know. You’re welcome. You would have?—”
“No, I wouldn’t,” Graham admitted, his eyes wide in awe. “Who knew that you could end up winning by losing?”
Chapter 45
The solar had grown considerably darker with the coming night as I lay on the sofa, nursing another glass of brandy. I’d spent the entire afternoon fretting over what was happening in Lake Vestia. We had agreed not to tell the competitors that thestonesthey were to retrieve were actually an ancient stash of gold sunk in the lake and guarded by a water dragon that had become little more than a myth for most in my kingdom.
Who would survive?
How many?
And why did I care?
I don’t care. I can’t.
I took another sip of brandy, or tried to. My damned glass was empty again.
What was I doing here, drinking alone in the dark like a common village drunkard?
“Time to stop, Calla,” I said to myself, nodding as I slid my feet down to the floor and set the glass beside them.
Standing proved difficult—walking even more so—but I made it over to the small table where one of the kitchen staff had deposited my dinner not too long ago. Hopefully it was still hot,but even if not, I needed something in my stomach to combat the drink.
Poached fish, potato mash, roasted vegetables. They all smelled divine, and tasted even better. I wondered if Isa and the males had returned yet. From up here, I couldn’t hear much of what happened outside. While the far wall was primarily windows, it was thicker than normal for security reasons, and blocked out most of the sound outside. Actually, the quiet was why this was one of my favorite spots in the castle.
Brennan used to sit up here with me for hours just reading whatever tome he pulled from the shelves while I sat and stared out of the windows. I had originally balked at the idea of holding my meetings with the competitors here, but when all was said and done, it hadn’t tainted the space as I’d feared it would. It had actually helped to set me at ease—somewhat.
Letting myself think of Brennan was risky, though, and I should have known better than to allow it.
The lonely ache of loss settled in my bones until I couldn’t even enjoy the last bites of my meal. It dulled my senses while pricking my shattered heart. I wanted to forget the pain, to forget all that had been taken from me, to forget that I was alone.
Before I could think better of it, I stood, grabbed one of the lanterns from beside the door, and left the room, thankful that Isa had agreed to not post a guard here. It had taken some persuasion, but in the end I’d convinced her the extra security wasn’t needed with our guests off the premises for the day.
At the end of the hall, I found the tapestry—skillfully woven to depict the crowning of my father as King of Arenysen—and pushed it aside to reveal a crevice in the wall, just big enough for me to slide in sideways.
My father had had this castle built with a slew of hidden passageways connecting all the rooms—and some of thecorridors—to a tunnel that led out to the forest—a precaution in case of siege.
Tonight, though, I didn’t use it to escape.
This was quite possibly the stupidest idea I’d ever had, but the general’s words—careless and flippant as they might have been during the first trial—would not leave my mind.
I’m yours to handle, whenever you need a little release.