Her laugh, light and airy, filled the room and poked holes in my resolve. “You’ll have to learn to lie better than that if we’re going to fool a whole kingdom.”
“Fine,” I said with a huff. “I’m nervous. Brennan is unpredictable, as you well know. I haven’t seen him since that night, and I don’t know how he’s going to react seeing us together.”
“Why does he even care?” Lieke’s earlier mirth had vanished, having been replaced with bitter pain. “He abandoned me, left me to…”
Her face fell, and she nervously tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. I rose to my feet instinctively.
“He’s an idiot,” I said, taking a few cautious steps forward. Carefully she ran her hand beneath her eyes. Some small part of me hoped these would be the last tears she ever shed for my brother. Dropping her arms, she stepped away from the wall but still didn’t look up at me. She gripped her dress in both hands, squeezing it tightly as if it were some lifeline that would get her through tonight.
“Do I look all right?” she asked, nearly whispering.
As I stepped toward her slowly, I searched for the proper response. This confident woman who had confronted her crown prince and screamed at her rulers in front of an entire room of fae in order to save her life, now stood before me looking deathly afraid to have a simple meal with those same royals.
Against my better judgment, I lifted my hand to her chin and, with the edge of my finger, tipped her face up toward mine. “You look perfect, Sapphire.”
Her lips—soft and inviting—slowly curved up into a lopsided smile. “Careful there, Wolfie, can’t have you making this complicated.”
Ignoring the way my gut twisted uncomfortably—made worse by Matthias’s warning, which echoed in my head for the millionth time—I tapped her nose playfully. “It’ll only get complicated if you try to kiss me.”
When we entered the dining room, my jaw tensed as tightly as Lieke’s grip on my arm.
They weren’t supposed to be here.
They should have left this morning.
At the table, seated beside my brother and across from the king, were Princess Calla and her parents.
“Ah, Connor,” my father said, lifting his glass toward us. “Right on time!”
“Appears we’re a little late,” I said as casually as I could, shooting my father a questioning glance.
“Our guests’ bad luck with the weather is our good fortune,” he explained. “They were unable to travel back to Arenysen today, so we get to enjoy their company for another day.”
Smiling cordially at the Arenysen royals, I guided Lieke around the table to the other side of the room. She took my hand as she settled into her chair, letting go when I slid into the seat beside her. An awkward silence settled over the room. Lieke remained tense, staring at the place setting in front of her. I wanted to reach under the table and give her hand a reassuring squeeze, but Brennan was watching carefully, glaring at me as if I had stolen his favorite toy and then lied about it. So instead, I pressed my knee against hers, and when her eyes finally slid to mine, I smiled.
Princess Calla was the first to break the silence, leaning forward as she spoke in her kind, sweet voice. “I’m Calla. You’re Lieke, right?”
Lieke slowly lifted her eyes and smiled. “I am, Your Highness. It’s a pleasure to meet you. Congratulations on the engagement, by the way.”
“Speaking of engagements,” King Vael said, lifting his glass to his lips and taking a long sip. “I believe congratulations are warranted all around! Connor, why didn’t you mention your lovely bride-to-be before?”
At this, Lieke turned to look up at me with a doting smile and slid her hand into mine. Ignoring the sparks that flew from her unexpected touch, I lifted our clasped hands to my lips and planted a gentle kiss before skirting my eyes to meet the king’s.
“As you are likely aware, Your Majesty, tensions are high between the fae and the humans. Not everyone is as forgiving and welcoming as your family, I’m afraid. Unfortunately, circumstances out of our control required I announce it in a less than desirable manner.”
King Vael laughed heartily. “Less than desirable. That’s certainly one way to put it.” He shifted his attention to my father. “I’m surprised you handled it as well as you did, Durand! If it had been me in your position that night, I would not have been nearly as calm.”
Brennan scoffed loudly, and everyone turned to him, except my father, who instead focused his attention on me.
“Calmisn’t the term I’d use to describe my reaction that night,” he said, and quiet laughter rang out among our guests. “But after talking to my son and seeing how strongly he feels, I couldn’t deny him—and Lieke—my blessing.”
The queen placed her hand on her chest, shaking her head as if remembering some fond memory from her childhood and not from earlier this week. “The way you stood up for her, Connor. It warmed my heart to see.”
I nodded my thanks, even as Lieke’s hand stiffened within mine.
Thankfully, the servers brought in the first course—a salad of wilted greens with roasted squash—before anyone could say more about my daring rescue. The conversation turned to the details of Brennan and Calla’s wedding. The Vaels wanted to hold it next spring when the apple trees would be in bloom.
Seven months.