He shook his head slowly, clicking his tongue in judgment. “If you’re to be our queen, we’ll have to work on your environmental awareness. Never know who might be watching you, my—”
I glowered at him, daring him to say the next word. He raised his hands in surrender. “Lieke.”
“So you were watching me?” I asked, trying to retrace my run and determine if I’d noticed any hint of his presence.
“The whole time,” he said, nodding. “You’re quite a sight when you’re running.”
I froze. “What does that mean?”
“Nothing. I’m used to training soldiers. They run with a purpose; you run like…well, like you’re free.”
I had to pull my lower lip between my teeth to keep it from trembling. I wasn’t free. Connor claimed I had a choice here, but I didn’t really. It was either do what he said or die. What kind of choice was that?
Matthias tossed his head toward a door to his right. “Come on, Lieke. Let’s practice.”
He was already heading inside the building before I could say anything. Part of me wanted to decline and head back to my rooms, but the other part was too curious not to follow him.
It was no barn but a training ring. Along one wall hung all manner of weapons. Most I recognized—swords, spears, axes. A few others were lined with terrifying spikes. I was perfectly fine never becoming acquainted with those. Matthias walked over to a long table and lifted two wooden swords. After tossing me one, he moved to the middle of the ring.
I caught it, just barely, and twisted my wrist around to get a feel for its weight and balance.
“Let’s see how well they trained you in the ring, Lieke,” he said and waved me forward with his free hand.
I stalked gingerly forward. “I stand no chance against you though.”
He shrugged again as we circled each other. “You’ve killed a fae before, so you must be somewhat capable.”
I froze as the memories rushed back—Griffin’s breath in my ear, his hand on my throat, his weight atop me as I panicked—and I closed my eyes, forcing myself to breathe through it. I refused to let this haunt me. I refused to be weak.
When I finally opened my eyes, Matthias was watching me apprehensively. He started to apologize, but I stopped him with a shake of my head.
“I’m fine,” I lied, wishing I could believe the words myself. Before he could say more, I lunged for him, pushing off my back foot and swinging my sword down toward his legs. He bounded out of my reach quickly and smiled.
“Good,” he muttered. He didn’t wait for me to attack again but came at me with a downward cut of his own that I couldn’t parry in time. The flat of his blade smacked against my shoulder, and I winced.
But I didn’t hesitate to strike back.
On light feet I rushed at him, swinging up. He blocked me easily, but I was already twisting my blade around to strike him from the opposite direction. Smiling, he deflected every attack I attempted, turning around and around the ring as I pursued him.
After a few minutes, I still hadn’t managed to hit him, and my muscles were already becoming fatigued.
I held up a finger and bent at the waist, trying to catch my breath.
“You’re doing well, Lieke,” he said, and I couldn’t quite tell if he was being genuine or not.
I spit into the dirt and turned to look up at him, remaining doubled over. “You have an odd definition ofwell.”
He shrugged before walking over to me and offering his outstretched hand. “Here, let’s get you some—”
Shifting my weight to my left foot, I crouched lower and swept my right leg at him, sending him falling onto his backside into the dirt. I stood over him as he laughed.
“Get me some what?” I asked, holding my hand out to help him up. He took it, but instead of rising, he pulled me down on top of him, rolling me over onto my back. Then he was standing again, his wooden sword tucked under my chin, before I could grasp what had happened.
Clapping echoed through the building, and I pulled my gaze away from Matthias to find Connor walking toward us. My treacherous mind conjured up memories of his lips trailing over my skin and his hands wrapped around my wrists. I managed to blink the thoughts away but couldn’t rid my damned body of the warm tingling his arrival caused.
“Mind if I cut in, friend?” he asked, looking far more handsome than anyone had a right to. Even a prince.
Matthias flashed me a wink before tossing his practice sword to my betrothed. He helped me up and pulled me in close, whispering in my ear, “Knock him on his ass.”