“Are you sure it wouldn’t just be easier to have her help us find the rebels? Surely those she stayed with—the ones who gave her those knives—have some ties to whoever is responsible for this violence. Assuming she isn’t a rebel spy herself.”
“My second agrees with you. So, yes, I am planning to learn what I can from her about why they gave her the knives and what she knows about them. But she won’t take kindly to being interrogated, especially if she feels it will put her family in danger. I would like to try this more peaceful method first, if you’ll allow it.”
The king paused, his brow lowering as he pondered my proposal. Finally, he dropped his head to the side and said, “It might work. If she’s willing, of course. The blasted woman’s foolish heart had to fall in love with our Brennan, and given their brazenness in sneaking about the palace together before, I don’t have much confidence that she can be reined in—even by you.”
I shook my head slowly. “I’m fairly certain Brennan effectively ended their ill-fated romance when he refused to help her last night. So at least that’s one obstacle I don’t have to worry about. I either need her to care enough to convincingly fake this engagement with me, or…”
“Or what?”
“Or find a way so she doesn’t have to pretend at all.”
For a moment his brow twisted in confusion, and then realization dawned on him.
“You can’t be serious, Connor.”
“I can, and I am.”
“You really think you can get her to fall in love with you?”
I heaved a sigh, pushing aside all my doubt. “I’ll do my best.”
“And if she does? Are you prepared to marry her for real?” he asked, and I almost thought I caught a hint of fatherly concern in his eyes.
Would I marry her? Would I see this through to the end if necessary?
I thought back to that talk with Matthias years ago, the one in which he had urged me to find a queen and had mocked me for waiting for my mate. Was I prepared to give up on ever finding my mate in order to save my kingdom?
As painful as it was, the answer was clear.
“I am.”
Gretchen stood in front of my wardrobe, her lips pursed in annoyed concentration as she flicked through garment after ill-fitting garment. She groaned quietly and tossed a look at where I sat cross-legged atop my bed.
“Every time I start to wonder why the prince insists you stay in your room, I remember these,” she said and proceeded to hold up two velvet dresses with frilly lace collars adorning the high necklines. Scrunching up her nose, she returned them to the wardrobe. “They’re better suited for the waste bin than our future queen.”
“I’ll have you know, Gretchen, those were the height of fashion when my mother was younger,” I said, completely failing to show genuine offense at how she had insulted Mother’s clothes. The dresses truly were hideous, and I myself had often teased my mother for keeping them.
“Oh, I remember,” Gretchen said, resuming her search. “Those were dark times here in Emeryn.”
“What does it matter what I wear anyway?” I asked grumpily. “It’s not like there’s anyone to see me except you.”
She cast a sidelong look my way and smirked. “Are you saying you don’t want to look nice for me?”
I shrugged. “Why bother when I’m already spoken for? And by the prince, no less.”
“Yes, that does put a damper on a future for us,” she said, giggling.
Gretchen finally selected a simple sage-green dress with fluttering gossamer sleeves. “I guess this one will do for today.”
I uncrossed my legs and moved to stand, sighing. “Ah, yes, for my rousing day of sitting around, staring at the wall.”
“Oh, come now, Miss Lieke,” she said, smiling kindly and handing me the dress. “You can always stare at the ceiling instead.”
“Lucky me,” I muttered as I slipped the dress over my head and smoothed down the skirt.