Mrs. Bishop stood at the worktable in the center, jotting down notes in some old journal of hers. Two fae had their backs to me as they washed pots and pans in the large sink. They glanced over their shoulders and gawked at me for a moment before whirling back around to continue their work. The old fae peered up at me from her writing and beamed.

“Boy, it’s been too long since you’ve been down to see me. Come give me a hug!” She reached her arms out wide as she came around the table and moved toward me.

“How could I not?” I pulled her close, fighting the flood of memories that rushed at me. I’d forgotten how nice—how essential—it was to feel loved and appreciated. I made a mental note to come visit her as often as my schedule allowed. But I needed to make this quick, so I lowered my voice and whispered, “I need to talk.”

She gave me a final squeeze before releasing me and clapping her hands at the two other fae in the room. “All right, girls, out. I’ll fetch you when we’re done chatting.”

With quick nods, they rushed out of the room, and as soon as they were gone, I turned back to the cook. But when I opened my mouth, she lifted a finger to stop me, stomping past me toward the door. Yanking it open, she stuck her head out into the hallway.

“Get away from this door! To your rooms, now!” She remained hanging halfway out the door for a few more moments before finally coming back in, rolling her eyes and shaking her head. “So predictable, I swear. Now, as sad as I am that you didn’t come all the way down here just to see my pretty face, if it’s about my sweet girl, I’m glad to help however I can.”

Not responding, I began to pace the kitchen, casting my eyes down to the floor as if I would find the words I needed among the worn stones. But where should I begin?

“What happened?” Mrs. Bishop asked in a motherly tone.

I turned on my heel to face her and threw my hands into the air. “I wish I knew, honestly.”

“I heard about thethreatto Lola,” she said, twisting her lips around the last word.

“Where did that come from anyway?” I asked. “Did Lieke and Lola not get along?”

“Lola barely gets along with anyone who isn’t her sister. But I noticed her wearing a new chain around her neck. It looked familiar, but I didn’t think to inquire about it until that little rumor hit my ears this morning. Unfortunately I haven’t had the chance to confront her yet.”

“This is over a necklace?”

Mrs. Bishop’s face fell, her eyes filling with a sadness I’d never seen in her. “If it’s what I think it is, that’s Lieke’s mother’s necklace. One thatyourmother gave to her.”

My mind churned as I attempted to process this. Lieke’s parents had been on our staff for many years, but I’d never heard about any friendship between our mothers. Not that it mattered much now.

“Why would Lola have it?”

The cook’s shoulders lifted with a heavy sigh. “I don’t know. But I can tell you it must have been important if Lieke parted with it willingly.”

My brows pinched together. “What if it wasn’t willingly?”

She shook her head. “Doesn’t really matter. Either way, it explains the animosity.”

“Well, I can’t have her threatening staff—or anyone—regardless of the reason for it. Can we have someone else see to her meals from now on?”

Mrs. Bishop gave me a thoughtful look as she nodded. “I can, but may I ask how long you’re going to keep her cooped up in that room?”

“Just until Julius can get the new dresses made for her. He works fast, so I’d say no more than another day. Maybe two.”

Pursing her lips, she studied me for a moment and then offered me a sad smile. “I’m not going to lie to you, Connor. I’m not thrilled about this situation you’ve put her in, but I’m thankful you found a way to save her. Be gentle with her though. She’s more fragile than she lets on. Whether this ends in your marriage or you somehow find a way out of it that doesn’t send her to the gallows, you had better not toy with her heart. You hear me?”

I swallowed hard. How could I possibly try to win her heart, as Matthias had suggested, when I felt no affection toward her? That was the epitome of toying, wasn’t it?

“Understood?” Mrs. Bishop leaned in close, her stern glare burning into me.

I nodded quickly. “Understood. But how do I get her to work with me on this? She never listens. She seems determined to undermine me any chance she gets.”

The cook’s brow wrinkled, and then she burst into laughter, throwing her head back before grabbing my shoulder and flashing me another smile. “My boy, you should have thought about that before you roped her into this mess.”

I wanted to argue, to explain howthis messwouldn’t even be happening if Lieke had simply obeyed the damn rules in the first place! But there was no arguing with Mrs. Bishop.

“Fair enough,” I said, sighing. “But do you have any useful suggestions? Or are you just going to mock me?”

“Still all business, aren’t you?” She smiled kindly and then walked toward the end of the worktable, where a tray of lunch was waiting to be delivered. “Start with taking her some food, and maybe get her something to do. She’ll be nothing but a thorn in your ass if she’s hungry, bored, or tired.”