“Why not just let her…” He seemed to answer his own question, because he started nodding, a silent “Oh” on his lips. “You couldn’t let her die, could you?”
“Makes no sense, I know.” I dropped my head into my hands and ran my fingers through my hair.
Matthias laughed. “Makes perfect sense actually. She’s really got you all tied up in knots, hasn’t she?”
“She’s definitely got me frustrated and irritated, if that’s what you mean.”
“So irritated you opted to get engaged to her,” he said, barely containing his laughter.
I pressed my fingers into my temples to try to relieve the headache that was quickly forming. All I wanted was to go back to bed, to feign illness and hide, emerging only when Brennan was safely married to Calla and we could give up this ridiculous ruse.
As if he could read my thoughts, Matthias took on a sympathetic air as he said, “There’s no hiding from this now, Your Highness.”
He only called me that when he needed to remind me of who I was and what I needed to do. It was why I’d insisted he be my second during the war. He’d been my friend for ages before that, but he also knew me well enough to recognize those moments when I needed a general more than a friend.
Matthias continued. “On the plus side, though, this is quite the opportunity.”
Nodding, I dropped my hands and looked at him. “I know. A human queen would be—”
“No, no. Not that,” he said, his expression pinching in confusion. “You never talked to her, did you? About what she did the whole time she was hiding out with her family? Maybe this is your chance to get that information from her. See what she knows. This could be our best opportunity to locate the rebels and put an end to their attacks.”
“I know,” I groaned, lifting my head to rest my chin in my hand. “But what if she doesn’t cooperate? I don’t even know if I can get her to go along with this engagement story.”
“Then you make her.”
“Because I’ve done a bang-up job of getting her in line before this.” I lifted a brow at him, hoping some of that strategic genius of his might kick in and help me.
“Ah, but that was before her life was threatened, right?”
A pathetic laugh fell out of my mouth as I remembered how she’d reacted last night. “Honestly? I don’t know if that’s reason enough for her.”
“You could always try wooing her. I mean, she fell in love with one Durand already. Who’s to say she can’t fall for you too? Maybe it’s time to be more like your brother.”
“You mean the jackass who cared so much about her he was going to let her get dragged off to the gallows?”
“Well, maybe notthatside of your brother, but you know what I mean.” Exhaling loudly, he rose from his seat and tossed his head toward the door. “Now, I believe you have a woman to seduce. Come find me later though. We have a lot to discuss.”
He followed me out into the hallway and nearly burst out laughing when I stopped at the room across from mine and raised my hand to knock. I could have had her moved into any number of guest rooms in the palace, but I’d chosen the one closest to mine for good reason. Not that Matthias would listen if I tried to explain it.
Stars, he was nearly as insufferable as the woman.
I glared at him, and he lifted his hands in surrender, backing away. Once he was around the corner and I was sure he was truly gone, I knocked on the door, hoping Lieke would be willing to play along as I needed her to.
The curtains rustled loudly as they were thrown open, and sunlight blazed in, disturbing my fitful, uneasy rest. Pulling a pillow over my face, I rolled away from the window. What little sleep I’d managed to get had been haunted by images from the night before, forcing me to relive the king’s harshness, Brennan’s blatant dismissal of me, and Connor’s decision to force me into this preposterous falsehood.
How could anyone believe it was true? Him? Me? They had to be stupider than I thought.
“Miss,” someone said softly. It was a gentle, feminine voice I didn’t recognize. Slowly I turned over and peeked out from under the pillow. A woman leaned down and peered at me with a kind smile. “His Highness is expecting you soon, and I’m to get you ready.”
Of course. We all had to do his bidding, didn’t we?
Leave it alone, Lieke.
Stay out of it.