Brennan shot me a look of jealous suspicion. “Did you plan this?”

I couldn’t stop my eyes from rolling. I exhaled loudly. “Yes, brother. I hoped Lieke would leave your rooms, kill a fae, and then get sentenced to death all so I could con her into being my wife.”

The moron seemed to ponder the ridiculous statement as if it might actually be true. What had Lieke ever seen in my brother?

“So you weren’t actually engaged,” he said, and I bit back a laugh. Apparently my worry that the secret betrothal would be too far-fetched for anyone to believe had been unwarranted.

Muttering, “No,” I walked into the washroom, determined not to let Brennan’s idiocy delay my sleep any longer. He didn’t say anything as I washed my face and cleaned my teeth. He was still sitting on the edge of my bed when I stepped back into the room.

“So are you bunking with me tonight?” I asked. “Because I’m going to bed.”

He stood slowly but didn’t move out of my way. Then he took a step closer to me and jabbed a finger into my chest. Was he seriously about to threaten me?

“If you hurt her…” he growled, and this time I did laugh at him.

“You mean more than you already have tonight? I’ll try not to.” Pushing his arm out of the way, I stepped past him and pulled the blankets back. When he didn’t say anything more and didn’t show any signs of leaving, I groaned. “Go away, brother. I’m tired. You can threaten me again some other time.”

I climbed into bed as soon as he started walking away and was asleep before I heard the door shut behind him.

The morning came too quickly, but at least I’d had a dreamless sleep. I woke up feeling more rested than I’d expected to. Still, I would have rather stayed in bed for the entire day than face the damned mess I’d created for myself yesterday, but avoiding problems only made them worse.

Forcing myself to leave the comfort of my bed, I quickly dressed—grabbing a fresh shirt and pants from the wardrobe—and made sure I looked somewhat princely before I had to fetch my fiancée. I mentally groaned. The word felt wrong, misplaced. But it was my reality now, whether I liked it or not.

Pulling the door open, I found Matthias standing there, his hand poised to knock.

“Oh good, you’re up,” he said with an obnoxious grin. Last night I’d managed to steer clear of him and his inevitable ridicule, but there was no avoiding him now as he pushed past me and settled himself into one of the chairs beside the hearth.

“Come on in,” I said dryly, giving Lieke’s door a quick glance before closing my own. I didn’t bother to sit. Matthias simply kept grinning. “Did you come here just to smile at me? Or did you have something to say?”

He answered with a slow shake of his head, that irksome smile still planted on his face.

“Seriously. I have places to be,” I said.

“Right, right. Of course. Your bride awaits,” he said, waggling his eyebrows.

I cringed.

“I mean,” Matthias continued, relaxing deeper into the chair, “I am glad you finally listened to me about needing to find yourself a female, but I didn’t think you’d choose that one. And I didn’t expect you to hide it from me.”

At that, I deflated. I could try to lie to him, but what was the point? He couldn’t possibly believe the engagement was real. It was obviously a ruse. Slowly I walked over and dropped into the chair opposite him.

“Makes two of us,” I said wearily, letting my head fall against the high back of the chair.

Matthias’s brow lowered. “So it’s not true.”

I straightened in my seat, leaning forward to peer at him incredulously. “You thought it was?”

He shrugged. “You were rather convincing.”

“And Lieke’s protests before she blacked out didn’t seem suspicious?” I laughed at the absurdity of all of it.

Nodding, Matthias’s grin turned upside down. “I admit, that did seem odd, but then, she’s a human. They’re odd creatures. I thought perhaps she was just surprised to have you announce it so suddenly and publicly.”

“I can’t believe you actually—”

Matthias cleared his throat. “I’m glad to know it’s fake though. Kind of hurt my feelings to think you’d keep something this big from me.”

“Kind of hurtsmyfeelings that you think I would,” I said. “But no. I didn’t plan it. I panicked.”