“Of course,” I whispered. Tears began to gather along my eyelids, and I swiped at them angrily. I didn’t want to cry over Brennan. Not ever again. Not after he had abandoned me in that room.

“I really am sorry,” Connor said. “If I could have found another way, I would have chosen it.”

At that, I laughed, though it came out hollow and humorless. “This must be dreadful for you. I can’t imagine that getting engaged to one of your staff was high on your list of dreams. Temporary or not.”

“Wasn’t on my list at all, in fact,” he said, half-smiling.

“So what now?”

“For now, get some more rest. You still have a couple of hours until dawn. Your attendant will be in later to get you bathed and dressed.”

He rose and shoved a hand into his pocket. My eyes widened when he pulled out a small box, opened it, and set it on the table beside the lamp. Inside was a simple, delicate ring of interwoven golden vines with blue sapphires nestled among them.

“This is for you,” he said. “A token of our betrothal. Put it on when you’re ready. We’ll discuss it more over breakfast.”

He’d already made it to the door before I managed to ask, “Where do I meet you?”

Looking back over his shoulder, he replied in an almost sad voice, “I’ll come for you.”



I closed her door behind me and slumped back against it, closing my eyes.

What was I thinking? What was I doing?

It’s only temporary.

That reminder didn’t stop my pulse from racing though.

Lieke had taken the news better than I’d anticipated—not even a single yell—though for a moment there she’d had me worried. The woman had honestly seemed ready to choose death over pretending to be my betrothed. That shouldn’t have stung, but I didn’t know many males whose egos would survive such rejection unscathed.

Pushing away from her door, I strode across the hallway and stepped into my own rooms. I kicked off my boots and started to unbuckle my belt, desperate for at least a few hours of sleep before I had to tackle the first real day of this charade. First, though, I’d need to get rid of my brother.

“Brennan,” I said. “Let’s get this over with. It’s been a long fucking day, and I’m tired.”

Silence greeted me, and for a moment I wondered if I’d been wrong when I caught his scent in here.

I angled an ear up and listened.

There it was. A heartbeat. Faint, but clear enough.

Walking around the corner into my bedroom, I found him lounging on my bed with his arms crossed behind his head and his legs stretched out in front of him. I waited for his typical greeting, but he said nothing.

“Brother,” I said with a dip of my chin as I moved toward the wardrobe and opened it. Hanging up my jacket, I spoke around the door. “What’s so urgent you couldn’t tell me in the morning?”

He swung his legs off the bed and sat up, but he didn’t look at me.

“She hates me, doesn’t she?”

Well, that wasn’t what I’d expected him to say. Clicking the wardrobe door shut, I pulled my shirt up over my head and tossed it into the clothes bin in the corner.

“I don’t know.” I shrugged and crossed my arms, leaning back against the wall. “She didn’t mention you actually.”

“I fucked up,” he muttered.

“Well, you certainly didn’t help her any. Or your friendship. But it’s better this way.”