How long had it been since I’d stepped foot in this forest?

Too long.

Even all these years later, though, the scent of orange blossoms and pine lingered in the air. It swept over me like a comforting hand across my forehead, my mother’s kiss in my hair, her sweet words bidding me goodnight. Grief pricked my heart, threatening to pull me back into the pit I had barely managed to claw my way out of after her death. I couldn’t afford to fall into it again.

Gritting my teeth, I huffed out a breath.

I didn’t want to be here, but searching every inch of our property would take all night.

Unless I shifted.

While my abilities weren’t a secret, at least among the fae, there was something about leaving my skin and giving up my voice that held little appeal.

That was an understatement.

I hated it.

The animal might be just as much a part of me as my fae form, but it felt wrong, leaving me with an intense need to peel it away and return to myself.

Still, as uncomfortable as it was, it had its benefits.

Sniffing out my brother, first and foremost.

And then maybe biting him if he gave me any trouble.


I took another look around. When I was sure no one was nearby, I reached into my mind and pulled at that neglected thread of power. Before I could reconsider my plan, it was done. I shook myself out from snout to tail, already itching to get out of this wiry black and gray fur as soon as I could.

I froze as I caught a scent.

It couldn’t be. They knew the fucking rules.

Maybe it was from earlier in the day. Maybe they weren’t really here.

I sniffed the air again. No. Too strong.

A human.

And here I had thought this day couldn’t get any worse.



The servants’ hallway was always quiet during these parties, with all the fae staff upstairs serving the guests. Mrs. Bishop, despite all her warnings and worry, never kept watch over us humans. She always retired early after spending the entire day working to prepare so much food. Still, I held my breath as I slipped slowly past her door, praying to the stars above that this wouldn’t be the first night she caught me breaking curfew—and in a fancy gown, no less.

Creeping down the back hallway, I took the side door out to the gardens that lay between the north side of the palace and the surrounding forest. The moon hung high in the sky, full and bright, bathing the palace grounds in its soft light.

My heart thumped away in my chest, picking up speed until it was beating in time with the music wafting from the ballroom. With each step forward through the soft grass, my pulse pounded in my ears. The terrace finally came into view, but I pressed on until I could make out the expressions on the guests’ faces and the points of their ears. Looking to my left and right, I tried to remember the exact spot where I had seen Brennan leave the parties time and time again, but everything seemed so similar from up close.

I would just have to guess.

And watch for any females heading this—

A noise, like the rush of air through thick leaves, snapped my attention around to my left, but I saw nothing except dark grass and looming trees.

It was probably just the wind, but the branches overhead lay still, their leaves motionless. I had just started to chide myself for letting my imagination run amok when I heard it again. It was nearly impossible to pinpoint over the music, but it was most definitely not my imagination. Once more, I spun around, knowing I must look ridiculous, but if it kept me from being attacked, I didn’t care.