Marin started, and her eyes widened dramatically as she leaned in closer. “What do you mean? How do you know?”
“He told me,” I said. “He said, ‘I don’t want to marry Calla. Please, Lieke, help me.’”
“What? When did he say that? I didn’t think you’d seen him since the proposal.”
“Just now. Brennan told me with his eyes,” I said calmly.
Marin slumped away from me, her head falling backwards as she released an exasperated sigh. “Oh, I thought you were talking about something real.”
Of course she didn’t believe me. Stars, I wouldn’t believe me either if I were her, but I didn’t need her to. I needed to talk to Brennan. Alone.
Pursing my lips, I shifted my weight and sighed. “I suppose that does sound crazy, doesn’t it?”
Marin nodded slowly. “Eye conversations? Really, Lieke?” She paused to glance up and down the hallway. “We should probably leave before anyone else spots us in here though. The guests are going to be arriving soon.”
Silently we made our way back downstairs, but when we arrived at my door, I couldn’t go in.
“I think I need some fresh air actually,” I said.
Marin’s eyes narrowed with suspicion. “You’re not going to go chase down the prince are you? Have moreeye conversations?”
I laughed half-heartedly. “No. Just need to be alone to think for a bit. Millie may not be much of a conversationalist, but she’s not the best of company either.”
“Well, I’ll be in my room for the night, if you need anything,” she said, and I pushed her playfully down the hallway. When she was halfway to her door, she glanced over her shoulder. “Careful out there, Lieke.”
Once she was inside her room, I spun around and headed back up the stairs to find Brennan before the fae nobles started to arrive. Hopefully the princess wouldn’t be with him.
What do you mean, you saw Lieke?” I hissed at Brennan as I paced in his living room. He lounged casually on the sofa, watching me with a bored expression.
“What else could I mean? Calla and I were strolling around the palace, we turned a corner, and she was there with one of the other staff.”
I stopped to shoot a pointed glare his way. “Did she say anything?”
He shook his head.
I resumed pacing.
“And what did Calla say?” I asked.
“To Lieke?”
“Abouther,” I clarified.
“Nothing. And why should she? For all she knew, we had simply stumbled upon some servants in the hallway. Not like I was about to offer an unsolicited explanation. How exactly would that have gone?” He waved his hand dramatically in the air before him. “Ah, yes, dearest, here is the human on our staff who was my friend until she developed a hopeless attraction to me. But don’t worry; she means nothing.”
I rubbed my hand over my mouth as my mind raced. Brennan was right. Calla had no reason to be wary or suspicious, and he had no reason to explain the situation. Exhaling heavily, I dropped onto the sofa beside my brother and leaned my head back, closing my eyes. Pinching the bridge of my nose, I asked the question I’d been dreading since he’d told me about the encounter.
“Do you think Lieke’s going to be a problem?”
Silence answered me. It lasted so long that I lifted my head to ensure Brennan hadn’t drifted off to sleep or slipped away from me without my knowing. But he was still there, staring into the dark fireplace. A muscle in his jaw twitched.
“Honestly, I don’t know,” he said quietly. “You should have seen the look in her eye when she saw us. I’d never wished I was invisible until that moment.”
“It’s understandable that she’d be sad.”