“You mean do I believe in mates?”

I raised a brow in silent question.

She looked up at the ceiling for a breath or two before returning her focus to me. “I do actually, though I’m one of the few, it seems.”

“How does it work exactly?” I tried to hide the skepticism in my voice, but I was certain I failed miserably. Mrs. Bishop pursed her lips, but instead of answering me, she glanced over her shoulder at the small clock beside her bed. Humming a sigh, she stood from her seat and faced me again.

“I’m afraid I need to get back to work. We can chat about that more another time.” She reached out a hand. Taking it, I rose from my seat. “I’ll walk you to your room before I head to the kitchen, but remember: two days to wallow. Then I expect you to get back to work.”



The clashing steel filled my ears as the force of Matthias’s strike sent a jolt up my arm, producing a new ache in my shoulder. I shoved him back and stepped away, trying to put some distance between us as we continued to circle each other in the training ring. He was going easy on me, slowing his movements to match my own sluggishness. I might have been offended if I wasn’t grateful for his understanding.

That didn’t save me from his taunting though.

“You’re sloppy today, friend,” he said with a smug grin. “Perhaps I should speak to the king about replacing his esteemed general. Temporarily, of course.”

“Don’t tempt me,” I said, lunging forward with my sword only to have him easily parry the strike, twisting his blade around mine so that I nearly lost my grip. “I could use the break.”

At that, Matthias attacked a bit more aggressively, and I barely managed to bring my sword back up in time to meet each blow.

“You’re distracted,” he said.

He wasn’t wrong, and I hated it. My mind simply wouldn’t clear, wouldn’t focus.

Matthias straightened, lowering his sword as he studied me. “She’s left quite the impression on you.”

Rolling my eyes, I growled and attempted an overhead strike that he effortlessly avoided by pivoting out of the way.

He offered a single laugh. “Is that your way of denying it? It’s not very convincing.”

Defeated, I relaxed my shoulders and faced my friend. I had hoped some training time would help, but it hadn’t. Every failed strike, sloppy deflection, and slow movement of my feet merely reminded me of how much the incident with Lieke had affected me.

“I think I’m losing my mind,” I admitted.

Shrugging, Matthias slid his sword into the scabbard at his waist. “Females tend to do that to us, don’t they?”

“Not to me,” I said, sheathing my own sword.

“Until now. What is it about this one?” Matthias gestured to the pitcher of water waiting at the edge of the ring and moved to pour two glasses.

As he handed me one, I shook my head. It wasn’t that I didn’t know the reason. I simply didn’t like it and didn’t want to admit it. But if I could trust anyone, it was Matthias.

“She’s infuriating!” I explained. He grinned at me from behind his glass as he took a long draught. “And she brings out the worst in me. I hate who I am around her.”

“Are you sure it’s really theworstin you?” he asked, quirking a brow.

Raising my hand out to the side, I balked at him. “Of course. I grabbed her by the throat, Matthias.”

His mouth curved into a knowing smile. “I don’t know. Sounds kind of hot.”

At that, I rolled my eyes. I was not about to admit to him how inappropriately my body had reacted when I’d had her neck in my hand as I forced her against that wall. My core heated just at the memory, and I silently cursed my body and its carnal needs.

“Hot or not, I shouldn’t have done it. I let my temper get the better of me. I don’t want to be like that.”

“You mean you don’t want to be like your father,” Matthias said, all humor now replaced by calm understanding.