“You’re sure?”

“If I was planning some daring escape to elope with Lieke, do you really think I’d tell you about it?”

Shrugging, I smirked at him. “Never know. You were never good at keeping secrets as a youth.”

He scoffed. “Not my fault! It’s that damned cook of ours with her taste for lies.”

I laughed at the memories of all the times he’d gotten caught fibbing to Mrs. Bishop, remembering in particular how our mother had struggled to hide her amusement when she’d needed to dole out his punishment.

“Well, brother,” Brennan said as he stood, placing the ring back in his pocket, “if you don’t mind, I’d like to rest a bit longer before I mustdo what needs to be done.” He waved his fingers in the air with those last words.

Heaving a sigh of relief, I stood and made my way to the door. Before I left, I turned and said, “I’ll be back to get you before they arrive.”

I was about to head downstairs when a page rushed toward me, his face flushed.

“Your Highness,” he said, and I raised a brow in acknowledgment. “Master Orelian needs to see you. He’s waiting for you in your chambers, sir. Told me to fetch you as quickly as possible.”

“Thank you.” I nodded as I stepped around him.

The corridors leading to my rooms were relatively quiet compared to the rest of the palace. Only a few servants here and there passed me as I walked, until one stopped directly in front of me. It took a moment for me to recognize the intense blue eyes that burned into mine.

Of course things were going too smoothly, weren’t they?

Of course this girl was going to interfere. Again.

“Miss Berg,” I said casually, focusing all my irritation into squeezing my clasped hands together behind my back. “What can I do for you?”

“How can you do this to him?” she hissed more loudly than I had expected.

Although the hallway was currently empty, it might not be for much longer. I couldn’t risk having anyone witness a servant—especiallythisservant—speaking to me in such a manner.

Opening the nearest door, I grabbed her elbow and forced her into an empty guest room. I nudged the door shut with my foot, then ushered her further into the dark, cold space. Lieke glared at me, tearing her arm from my grasp.

“Don’t touch me!” she said.

Rocking back on my heels, I studied her for a long, silent moment. My frustration with her threatened to erupt in a growl, but I managed to tamp it back down.

“I warned you, did I not?” I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

Confusion flashed in her eyes for a second, and then she sneered.

“And I warnedyouthat Brennan wouldn’t be controlled by either of us.”

“You could have denied him,” I said plainly. “You could have turned down his invitations. Or am I mistaken? Were those little trysts your idea?”

She didn’t answer my questions but asked one of her own. “Is he not allowed to spend time with a friend?”

I barked out a laugh and stalked toward her. She stumbled back a step, fear briefly sweeping over her features as if she thought I was going to strike her.

“A friend, perhaps. But you’re far more than that, aren’t you? Can I assume your affections for my brother haven’t waned at all?” She didn’t move, didn’t answer. “Afriendwould understand his situation, Lieke. Afriendwould have protected him from the repercussions if he refused to do as ordered. Afriend—”

“Would help him find a way out of this!” She dared to step closer to me, the fire reigniting in her eyes.

I leaned my face down toward hers, ignoring how her sweet scent wrapped around me. “You’re naive, Blondie. This is our life as royals. This is his life—his duty—as a prince. There are more important things than a childhood infatuation.”

Lieke stood her ground, not flinching once. She pressed her finger into my chest. “And you are pathetic, Your Highness, leading a sad excuse for a life.”

I gritted my teeth and retreated a couple of paces, not surprised when she continued her pursuit. Narrowing my eyes, I challenged her to keep talking.