Matthias’s eyes widened slightly. “Why?”

Something in this fae’s eyes gave me the impression he was well aware of my relationship with Brennan.

“You seem to know already,” I said, pursing my lips.

“I have my suspicions, but I’d like to hear it from you all the same.”

My face warmed, and I dropped my gaze to the ground between us.

“Well?” he pushed, though not unkindly.

“He was spending time with me.”

“Doing what exactly?”

My chin snapped up. “Oh, nothing like that. We were just playing a game of cards and talking, I swear.”

Angling his head, he studied me for a bit. “Justplaying cards?”

I tossed my hands in the air with a huff. “Fine, there might have been a kiss, but only one.”

Matthias’s eyes flitted over my shoulder, but when I turned, the doors were still closed.

“Is Brennan going to be okay? What’s the king going to do?” I asked quietly.

Taking a deep breath, he shrugged and started to walk past me toward the palace, but when our shoulders touched, he stopped and said, “You seem to know already.”

I didn’t know how long I stood in the courtyard watching the palace doors, but it must have been a while, because the sunlight was fading fast by the time I coaxed my feet to finally move. My guilt and fear over Brennan—and whatever punishment he was receiving because of me—were painfully twisting my insides. And now I was late getting back to the kitchen.

Mrs. Bishop would not be happy.

When I reached the door to the kitchen, I took a deep breath and braced myself for the oncoming tirade. It didn’t help. My nerves were still pulled taut, and my hands were shaking.

Being even later isn’t going to help you any.

I held my breath as I pushed open the door.

The kitchen was quiet but not empty. In addition to Mrs. Bishop and Marin, two fae—Britta and Lola, sisters from the dining room waitstaff—silently flitted about the space, carrying dishes and fetching utensils. Part of me longed to back out quietly before they all noticed me standing here, since Mrs. Bishop appeared to have enough help preparing dinner. But the idea of going back to my room, being alone with all my what-ifs—or worse, having Millie present while my thoughts plagued me—was unbearable.

“Nice of you to join us, Sunshine,” Mrs. Bishop said in a flat tone. “Their Highnesses are all taking their meals in their rooms this evening.”

No one looked up from their work, though I could have sworn I saw Marin bristle. Trying to keep my tone casual, I asked, “Does anyone know why?”

Four faces lifted in unison, gawking at me as if I’d sprouted a second head.

“You haven’t heard then?” Marin asked skeptically.

“Of course she did,” Lola said. “She’s been sneaking off to see the prince every day this week.”

My stomach shot straight up into my throat.

They knew? How?

We’d been so careful.

But have you?My thoughts poked at me.

There were no secrets in this place, were there?