
The sun lingered high in the sky—albeit barely visible through the dense forest canopy overhead—when Honey and I made the final turn onto the road to the palace. The tall stone wall that protected the palace came into view. A pair of guards stood on either side of the road, leaning against the wall and watching me as I approached. Though they didn’t move, I could sense their keen eyes on me. The immense wooden gate lay open, but I knew better than to try to simply ride on through.

With a slight tug on the reins, I urged Honey to a halt before the entrance and the guards. Lazily, the one to my right pushed off the wall and sauntered over to me, using the long spear in his hand like a walking stick. His sword bounced in its sheath against his leg as he advanced. Neither guard wore armor, only a tunic emblazoned with the royal seal—a dark blue shield lined in gold and adorned with a gilded silhouette of a hound beneath two crossed daggers.

The guard stopped a good distance away and scrutinized me, his dark eyes roaming over my body. When he spoke, it wasn’t to me.

“Evan! Are the Durands expecting any human visitors today?” he asked over his shoulder.

His companion didn’t budge as he answered, “Not that I was told.”

The guard in front of me lifted a single brow and asked, “What business do you have with the royal family?”

“Are you new here? I work for them,” I said, lifting my chin into the air. “In the kitchens under Mrs. Bishop. I’ve been away visiting family.”

At this, the other guard stepped away from the wall. I looked from one guard to the other, willing my face to remain calm and not reveal the fear that was beginning to take root in my stomach. The guards moved closer. Honey huffed out a snort as if to tell them to back off. They didn’t listen. Either that or they didn’t understand horses.

“Have any proof?” the guard on my left, Evan, asked, and I slowly turned to face him.

“And what kind of proof might you need? Shall I recount all the meals I have helped prepare for the Durand family throughout my relatively short lifetime? Or shall we drag poor old Mrs. Bishop out here and have her vouch for me?” I forced a sweet smile and addressed the other guard now. “Both would seem a waste of time for two busy males such as yourselves.”

The fae shared a look, and for a moment I wondered if my words—and attitude—hadn’t sealed my fate. Would they turn me away? Arrest me? Or worse?

Evan locked eyes with me before tossing his chin to the side. “Come on down, miss. We’ll need to search you and your belongings before we can let you pass.”


Why hadn’t I planned for this? Why had I thought I would simply be allowed to ride onto the property with ease?

Clearing my throat, I leaned forward and swung my leg back behind me and dismounted. I gave Honey a pat on her neck before slipping the reins over her head and holding them out to Evan. Mentally I moved through the possible maneuvers I might need if the situation soured, but I hoped I wouldn’t have to use any of them. I simply wanted to go home, not cause a scene or get into trouble.

Evan nodded to the other guard, who began to untie my belongings from the back of the saddle. Honey stepped away from him, but I calmed her with a quiet breath, and she steadied herself. I turned my attention back to Evan.

“I can’t say this is altogether proper for you to search…” I gestured to my body with both hands.

His face wrinkled with disgust. “You’re not exactly high on my list of things I want to touch today either, but it has to be done. Especially with the party tonight. Now raise your arms.”

Heaving a heavy sigh, I lifted my arms and watched him as he held the reins in one hand and used the other to feel along my waist, over my torso, and behind my back. My body tensed when his fingers briefly grazed the space between my breasts, which earned me a short laugh from him. As he continued to feel along my arms, I shook my head at him.

“Since when are humans seen as such a threat to the Durands, warranting such thorough scrutiny?”

It was the other guard who answered. “Since they started picking off helpless fae along the road, that’s what.”

Evan growled. “Shut your mouth, Willem. For all we know, she’s one of them.”

My eyebrows shot up. “Humans are behind the attacks? How do you know?”

Evan glowered at me. “Yes, and I don’t owe you any further explanation, girl. And you can lower your arms. I need to check your legs now.”

My heart thumped faster, and I tried not to think of what they might do if they discovered the knives I had concealed there. I needed to stop them, but how? I racked my brain for ideas, but it had inconveniently blanked.

“Is that truly necessary?” I asked, trying to control the quavering in my voice. Not that it mattered. I knew they could hear my quickening pulse.

“Her pack is clear,” the other guard announced before I could get an answer.

“Quite necessary, miss,” Evan said. “I’ll be quick about it though. Willem, come take these reins for me, would you?”

After handing them off, he knelt before me and began to lift my skirt. What could I do? I couldn’t be found with the knives. I couldn’t risk these guards touching the blades either. How would I be able to explain a dead fae if that happened? My mind raced, seeking out every possibility and thinking about every action I could take in response. My heartbeat pounded in my ears like a galloping horse.