Was I to be some pawn in a political game?
Again Owen laughed, as if I had uttered every question aloud. “What has you so worried?”
I searched his eyes for a sign that there was any validity to my suspicions, but I detected nothing more than his usual quiet humor.
“Oh, nothing. Just nervous to go home after all these years away, I suppose,” I said with a smile, waiting for him to look away first. He was still staring at me when his wife spoke again.
“That is understandable, especially after the attack that brought you to us. I hope you will trust the training we have provided if that fae—or any other—seeks to do you harm.”
“It’s not that actually,” I said, regretting the words as soon as they were out.
“Oh? What else could have you so nervous?” Anna asked.
My cheeks warmed, but I ignored them and searched for anything to say—anything that wasn’t the embarrassing truth. But before I could, she asked dreamily, “Is it by chance the prince?”
There seemed to be no sign of mockery in her voice, and the smile she offered appeared genuine enough.
I only nodded in response, though my blushing face was likely all the answer she needed.
Anna reached across the table and took my hand in hers, stroking the back of it with her thumb.
“The heart doesn’t always know what’s best for us, unfortunately. But sometimes we must let it lead for a while before we truly know our path.”
“I shouldn’t love him,” I admitted. “I’ve tried to get over it.”
“Are you certain about how he feels?” she asked.
I nodded. “Fairly certain. He only sees me as an old friend he doesn’t have time for anymore.”
“Ah,” Owen said, “but he hasn’t seen who you have become.”
I wanted to find encouragement in their words, believe there was truly some hope that Brennan might ever see me the way I saw him. But I couldn’t. I couldn’t even picture it. Especially with his pending proposal—assuming he hadn’t already proposed.
“That may be so,” I said, “but he’s to be married soon. To the fae princess of Arenysen. That’s who he belongs with. Not me.”
Owen waved away my excuses. “He’s not married yet though. And the last thing we need in our lands is more fae. Especially with how they’ve treated those of us who survived and remained.”
Anna released my hand to reach for her husband’s forearm. “Hush up, Owen. We have no right to say who our prince can and cannot marry. And there may still be hope for our kinds to live together in peace. Someday.”
Shrugging, Owen looked over at his wife. “I’m just saying, it would be beneficial to all of us—fae and human alike—if both races ruled the kingdom as equals.”
As hopeful as I was to see that change made—and as much as I wished I could be the one to help make that happen—it seemed so far out of reach that I might as well try to touch the stars.
Anna cleared her throat, drawing my attention back to her. “Regardless of what happens with the prince, I know your friend, Mrs. Bishop, is eager for your return.”
I smiled at the thought of being home again—and of spending my time kneading dough instead of my sore muscles.
“Before we send you off though, we have a gift for you,” Anna said and nodded to her husband, who reached down to the floor between them. He lifted a small bundle of dark cloth and placed it on the table before unrolling it with care. Inside were two small knives in simple leather sheaths. Their handles were also simple, made of smooth, dark wood. Owen selected one and cradled it in both hands as he passed it to me.
“These may not look like much,” Anna said, “but there is no need to ornately decorate weapons that are to remain hidden.”
I slid the sheath away to reveal the steel blade, but as I moved to touch the tip to feel its sharpness, Anna reached forward and pulled my hand back. My eyes went wide with an unspoken question.
“These blades are special. They will protect you from the fae, but you must only use them as a last resort.”
I glanced down at the blade in my hand. It looked like plain steel to me, like most other knives I’d seen.
“Special how, exactly?” I asked.