I didn’t look up as I asked the one question that wouldn’t stop haunting me.
“What if she doesn’t want this?”
Brennan slapped a hand on my shoulder. “And what if she does?”
“I hate forcing this on her,” I confessed, suddenly feeling like the younger brother here.
“You aren’t, Connor. It’s not your fault. If anything, you can blame the stars. Now, get your ass out of my room and go find her.”
As Honey and I turned onto the road that led to the old farm, I slowed her to a walk. At the edge of the trees, I stopped, keeping us in the shadows. The barn and the house, surrounded by grass that hadn’t been cut in ages, appeared just as empty as they always had been, but then, Raven would know better than to leave any sign she was here.
This could be a trap, I repeated to myself for the thousandth time. Trap or not, I wasn’t going to leave my friend to whatever fate she faced here.
Slowly, I dismounted. Retrieving my knife from my belt, I patted Honey’s neck and whispered, “Stay here, girl, but be ready to leave in a hurry if needed.” She gave her head a gentle shake, as if to say she understood, which was preposterous.
On nearly silent feet, I stalked my way through the waist-high grass, taking cover behind an old plow and then a rotten bale of hay. I decided to start my search with the barn, as it was closest to me. Peeking around the hay bale, I watched the building for a moment but couldn’t see anyone. I cursed myself for not waiting until at least dusk, when the shadows would be long and provide more cover. Midday was the worst time to be sneaking about—or attempting to.
Crouching low, I tried to plan my route while keeping an eye on the barn for any sign of movement or activity. I was just about to sit down and resign myself to waiting for dark when a female voice whispered loudly, “Lieke?”
I couldn’t see anyone though.
She said my name again, a little louder this time. “In the barn! Come around back.”
I sneaked a glance at the barn one more time and couldn’t help but smile in relief. Raven was peering out of the window. She lifted her fingers over the sill to wave me over. Immediately, I shifted forward, but then I stopped, hesitating as the hairs on my neck prickled in warning. My gut tightened.
What if it’s a trap?What if Raven is—
No, I wouldn’t consider that possibility. Not Raven.
You’re a fool not to.
Uneasily, I contemplated what to do, until Raven hissed at me, “Get in here, Lieke!”
Taking a final look around me, I inhaled sharply, held my breath, and ran for the back of the barn.
I’d barely rounded the corner when arms encircled me, holding me tight.
“I missed you, Lieke,” Raven whispered tearfully. “But what are you doing here?”
Gently I pushed her back and eyed her intently. “You sent for me,” I said. “The note?”
Confusion spread through her dark brown eyes, but it was quickly replaced by worry. “I didn’t send any note.”
With shaky hands, I dug the note out of my pocket and shoved it at her. My pulse raced, beating so loudly in my ears that it nearly drowned out my own voice. “It’s your handwriting.”
Raven shook her head as she read the note, whispering, “I mean, it looks like my writing, but I swear I didn’t write this.”
“What happened?” I asked, gripping her arm as I started to panic. “Why are you here?”
“Our camp was compromised. We got warning just in time to pack up and disperse before the royal guard arrived. My mother instructed me to come here and wait for further instructions. You’re the last person I expected to show up, but—”
“I shouldn’t have,” I muttered, warily searching our surroundings. Running wasn’t an option, at least not until dark, and we were too exposed standing out here. We needed to get inside the barn. I nudged her backwards and guided her inside.
Pacing the dirt floor, I tried to gather my thoughts.