Page 131 of Until the Stars Fall

“You’re right,” he conceded, shrugging. “It would certainly devastate the woman to know the male she’s fallen for is destined to be with her.”

My hand paused on the bottle I’d just set back down on the table. Sure, I’d noticed love in her eyes before, but only in these dreams I kept having. “How do you know she— Did she tell you?”

Matthias rolled his eyes dramatically. “No, she didn’t tell me. She didn’t need to. It’s painfully obvious that she loves you. I told you that back in the training room, didn’t I?”

As I considered a response, I returned to my seat, swirling my drink around in my hand. “No, you predicted I’d fall for her. You didn’t say anything about her loving me back.”

“Close enough,” he said, a thoughtful frown appearing on his face. “Still, I’m not wrong.”

“I can’t take the choice away from her again. I already did it once with the engagement stunt.”

He looked like he wanted to smack me, and he might have if I’d been closer. “How are you taking anything away from her? Even if she didn’t already love you, being your mate doesn’t require her to choose you, does it? And if she doesn’t, you can always go back to suffering as you are now.”

“But she knows enough about the bonds to know we only have one mate. What if she feels pressured to accept it?”

Matthias threw his hands up and stood. “Then you live happily ever after!”

“There’s no happily ever anything if she doesn’t love me.”

“Fine. Don’t tell her. Go on avoiding her,” Matthias said.

He stalked away.

“I’ll tell her,” I muttered as my friend opened the door to leave. “I just don’t know how to do it yet.”

“Well, don’t take too long. She won’t wait around forever for you. Even true love fades when it’s neglected.”



I walked slowly out of the trees toward the palace, my hands resting behind my head as I greedily pulled in air. Sweat covered the back of my neck, pooling under my plaited hair, and my clothes stuck to me uncomfortably. Still, this was less suffocating than being in my room waiting for Connor to stop being stupid.

“Good run?” someone asked from behind me, and I spun around to find Brennan leaning against a tree, his arms folded casually in front of him. I smiled at him, surprised to find I was happy to see him—not like a lovesick woman pining over her first love, but more like a sister toward her sibling.

“Are you following me now?” I asked.

“Maybe,” he said, shrugging. His easy smile faded slightly as he pushed away from the tree and strode toward me. “Can I walk you back?”

I nodded, and we walked in silence for a bit before he cleared his throat quietly.

“I wanted to apologize,” he said. He laughed half-heartedly before adding, “Again.”

“Oh?” was all I could manage. Lightly he touched my elbow and brought me to a stop, turning me to look at him.

“I shouldn’t have kissed you.” He dropped his hand from my arm and lifted it to the back of his neck. “Or gotten drunk. Or entered your room.”

Unsure how to respond, I just stood there, staring at him blankly.

“You know that first time we kissed, in my mother’s room?” he asked. I nodded. “I actually hoped you’d end up being my mate. I thought maybe if you were, my father would let me off the hook.”

“Really? You mean that was like some kind of test?” I asked, and he merely shrugged in response. “And what about the second one? Was that a test too?”

Shaking his head, he gave me a sad smile. “That one was just me being stupid. Like when I didn’t stand up to my father for you.” He paused, his smile shifting mischievously. “Though, I think everything worked out as it was supposed to in the end.”

As thankful as I was for his apologies, I couldn’t keep from rolling my eyes. “Oh, yes. I was destined to find myself in a fake relationship with a male who can’t even bear to see me after—”

Clamping my mouth shut, I stopped myself before I accidentally confessed what had happened in the stables. Brennan’s eyes narrowed in suspicion for a brief moment, but then he blinked a few times and shrugged. He pivoted back toward the palace, offering me his arm as we resumed walking.