“Why don’t we take her to your father now then?” Griffin challenged.

Connor didn’t back away but narrowed his eyes. “You dare tell me how to run my household? You overstep, Griffin. You answer to us, not the other way around.”

Griffin inched back, his smile never wavering. “Things can always change, Your Highness. The war proved that. The humans—”

“Are not your concern right now,” Connor said. His calm expression faltered for the first time, as if there was something he didn’t want to speak of. Whether he was being generally reticent or simply wanted to avoid revealing something in front of me, I couldn’t be sure, but I had little doubt he was hiding something.

With a nod of his head, Connor said, “Go back to the party. Now. Before I have to drag you before my father and explain why you got bitten.”

The fae’s smile dissolved into a grimace. Before he left, he gave me one more glance. “Next time, Goldie, you might not be so lucky.”



It could have been worse. Lieke was alive. Griffin too.

Yet, watching Griffin stalk off, I couldn’t shake the chill that settled under my skin. This wasn’t over. He wouldn’t let this go. I’d have to watch my back.

While watching Brennan too,I reminded myself.And the humans.

I dropped my chin to my chest.

“So you’re the hound,” a sweet voice said from behind me, and my eyes fell closed so I could prepare myself for an inevitably awkward moment. Awkward or not, at least she was safe. I shifted my head to glance over my shoulder at Lieke before slowly turning on my heel to face her fully.

“I am,” I said. I didn’t have the energy to try to lie to her. Despite her stupid actions tonight, she was anything but stupid. I’d known her—and her family—long enough to recognize that.

But stars above, love made you stupid, didn’t it?

Lieke chewed on the inside of her lip for a moment, searching my eyes as if she hoped to find the answer to the question she was too embarrassed to ask aloud. I could save her from that bit of embarrassment at least.

But I still wouldn’t lie to her.

“Yes, I heard all you said.” Her face immediately flushed pink, and her eyes darted away from mine to look up at the leaves overhead. “I won’t tell him though. I promise.”

Slowly she turned her dark eyes on me again. Though the color was slowly fading from her cheeks, her heartbeat—faint but clear in my ears—refused to settle.

“You swear?” Her voice trembled with uncertainty.

Offering her a tight-lipped smile, I nodded, and grief lodged itself in my throat as I said, “Upon my mother’s grave.”

Lieke’s shoulders slumped with relief, and she huffed out a heavy breath. “I’m so stupid.”

“Even the smartest of us do stupid things sometimes. Let’s get you to your room though. I need to get back to the party.” I nearly mentioned my having to babysit Brennan but decided against it. “Now, I assume you didn’t exit through the main door?”

She shook her head and pointed at the door on the other side of the garden. As I stepped past her, Lieke turned to walk beside me. We continued in uncomfortable silence, but when we reached the door, she grabbed my arm, her feet skidding to a stop.

“You can’t tell Mrs. Bishop,” she whispered as her eyes pleaded with me to keep this secret.

Stars, this woman.

I was glad she was safe, of course, but I’d already been charged with handling my brother’s shit. I couldn’t shoulder her problems too.

Dropping my head to the side, I looked at her squarely. “Pick one.”

The spot between her eyes crinkled. “What?”

“I’ll keep one of your secrets. But not both.”