Connor reached behind him and took hold of my hand. Guiding me forward, he nodded to the chair beside him—a silent command to take my seat. Why would he choose to remain seated at a time like this? Shouldn’t we be standing our ground or preparing to fight back if necessary? But I didn’t raise any of these questions. I could ask him later—assuming I survived this. Right now, I needed to trust him.
“Renata,” Connor said with a warmer tone than seemed warranted given everyone’s icy stares. He gestured toward the chair opposite us. “Please, sit.”
For a tense moment, she merely stood there, her eyes boring into me like fiery daggers. Every muscle in my body tightened as I waited for her to say or do something.
Slowly, Renata dropped a hand to the back of the chair and pulled it out. She lowered herself gracefully into it, and my eyes widened slightly when all the gathered fae mirrored her actions, slipping into chairs around the tables or onto stools lining the bar. Griffin’s family took seats beside Renata. The continued silence kept me on edge, and I waited anxiously for them to spring whatever trap was being set for us.
Renata finally pulled her attention away from me and turned to Connor. “I wish you were visiting us under better circumstances.”
“So do I,” he replied.
As if their exchange had been a cue of some kind, the silence broke, the crowd launching into murmured conversations. Over the next few minutes, they kept the tavern keeper and his servers busy with their orders. Our table remained quiet, though, as did Matthias and his guards, who maintained their posts around the room.
Folding her hands on the table, Renata leaned forward slightly and asked, “Can I assume you aren’t just here to pay your respects? I’d hate to think our noble prince had stooped so low as to celebrate my husband’s demise by parading his killer around and demanding we bow to her.”
This was Griffin’s wife? I shifted in my seat uncomfortably, somehow managing to resist the urge to sink lower. I was to be queen—at least as far as these fae were concerned—and a queen wouldn’t shrink away even when facing those who hated her, so I forced myself to straighten and mimic Connor’s regal posture.
Connor lowered his brows slightly. “I am not demanding anything that isn’t already expected of you as an Emerynian. The crown—and whoever wears it—will be respected.”
Renata’s eyes twitched. “She doesn’t wear it yet.”
As I worked hard to keep my breathing and heart rate under control, I watched them carefully, and I couldn’t help but be impressed by Connor’s ability to remain calm while this wretch challenged him, but then I’d seen his excellent control plenty of times. I’d also witnessed how quickly that poise could shift into rage when he was pushed too far.
Would this fae be so stupid as to goad him?
Grief made even the smartest of people act irrationally.
Connor maintained his placating tone as he responded, “No, she doesn’t. But she will, whether you—or anyone else—approve or not.”
One of the males next to her cleared his throat. “Then why bring her? You don’t want our approval. You don’t need it. So why bother?”
Connor glanced at me and half-smiled before facing the fae who had spoken. “Because I hope for peace, Enzo. An end to the attacks. A return to the harmony we once enjoyed. Having a human as your queen will appease the rebels, convince them of our desire to restore their place in our society, and stop their violence against the fae.”
He spoke with such conviction that I regretted teasing him last night. But would anyone here share his vision? Would anyone believe it could be done?
Renata’s lips shifted into a sad smile, and she glanced at me as she said, “You put a lot of trust in the humans, Prince.” Then she slid her gaze back to Connor, shrugging. “And what happens if that trust proves ill-placed? What happens if the rebels don’t accept her? What if they keep coming for us? Are you prepared to protect the fae? Or do you only offer your protection to the mortals?”
A fresh quiet blanketed the room as all conversation stopped. Every fae turned to look at Connor expectantly. My heart thumped faster under the intense scrutiny, but his people were no longer regarding him with anger. Yes, some animosity lingered, but on the edge of it lay the familiar sheen of exhausted grief and fear.
For the first time since I’d learned of the killings, I realized the fae were truly scared. And of humans, at that. What were the rebels doing to elicit such terror in these immortals?
In answer, an image of Griffin’s final shocked expression flashed in my mind.
I, a weak and mortal human, had killed a fae. How?
Anna’s words rushed back to me. “These blades are special. They will protect you from the fae, but you must only use them as a last resort.”
Were the rebels using something similar? Did they have access to the same material my knives were made of? Was my family involved? My head swirled with the questions, but before I could make any sense of them, Connor was moving next to me.
Standing slowly, he slid his hands into his pockets and surveyed those gathered, already looking so much like the king he would one day be. He commanded the room without a word, and my heart fluttered involuntarily, filling with a strange sense of pride at the thought that I would someday rule beside such a strong, noble male—despite the fact that I never actually would marry him, of course.
“The crown rules over all of Emeryn,” Connor said, his rich tenor reaching every corner of the crowded tavern. “Fae. Human. And any other race that resides here. Our duty is to all of you. I know you’re hurting. I know you’re scared. But no matter what happens, I will put the good of this country first every time. Whether the rebels accept my bride or not, that will never change. We will find them. We will stop this. We will restore peace. But that peace will only be possible if you are willing to accept it.”
Silence answered my speech, filling the room with a tension that bit into my bones and twisted my stomach ever tighter. Slowly and wordlessly, the fae turned to look at one another. Even Renata was gazing intently at each of Griffin’s brothers. They exchanged slight nods, which spread through the room like a wildfire.