Page 103 of Until the Stars Fall

“It will be okay,” I whispered, but her face remained pale, her features strained.

With a sigh, I instinctively placed a soft kiss to her forehead, wishing I could take away her worries.

I froze.

That felt too real, too genuine.

Fuck. If I wasn’t careful, I’d end up proving Matthias right and falling for her. I retreated, reminding myself this was all for show—every touch, every kiss, every longing glance—they were nothing but staged gestures needed to sell the lie.

I caught her eye once more. “Let’s get you to your room so you can rest.”

She didn’t say anything—didn’t even nod. I slid my hand down her arm and weaved our fingers together. Just inside the door, I nearly ran straight into Matthias, who took one look at our entwined hands and smiled. When he handed me a single room key, I opened my mouth to protest, but he was already explaining.

“I’m afraid they’re nearly full. Only had the one room available, but I did manage to request supper be delivered to you shortly.” He shrugged, the same stupid grin still plastered on his face.

I threw my thumb over my shoulder. “The stables were basically empty though.”

“Not everyone owns a horse, Your Highness. I’m only telling you what I was told.”

Lieke pulled the key from my hand and looked from Matthias to me. “It’s okay, Wolfie. We can share the room. I’m more worried about Matthias and the men.”

Matthias gloated. “See? Youcanshare the room. And no need to fret about us, Lieke. We’ll be just fine. We are used to improvising.”

With that, he skirted around us, leaving us to head upstairs.

I turned to lead Lieke up to the room—our room—and each step I took seemed to push my stomach further up into my throat. If I found out Matthias had lied and orchestrated this nonsense, I’d lock him in the fucking dungeon for a week.

As we passed by each door, I listened for sounds of life behind them before remembering everyone was probably eating at the tavern next door.

Opening the door to our room, I held it wide and stepped out of the way so Lieke could enter. I surveyed the space. It wasn’t one of the worst rooms I’d stayed in. Small and sparsely furnished, it was drab yet somehow had a quaint, cozy charm to it. The walls, undecorated as they were, could use a fresh coat of paint. The fireplace across from the door looked as if it hadn’t been cleaned out since the inn was constructed. Still, fresh wood lay waiting inside it, ready to help combat the night’s chill. A small chest of drawers with a lantern perched atop it acted as a bedside table, and a simple washbasin sat in one corner. The single bed, larger than most inns boasted, was covered with an old quilt and a lumpy pillow, but at least there was a spare blanket draped over the footboard.

In silence, we settled in.

Kicking off her riding boots, Lieke lay back on the bed and propped her hands behind her head. She closed her eyes, and although she looked almost peaceful, her elevated pulse and shallow breathing betrayed her nervousness. I moved to light a fire, but when heavy footsteps sounded on the stairs, I instead darted for the door, opening it before the innkeeper could knock.

The female who greeted me was older and might have reminded me of our own Mrs. Bishop, had she not been scowling. Even when our cook was cross, she didn’t look this mean and sour.

“Your supper,” she said curtly, thrusting two bowls into my hands and turning before I could even utter my thanks.

The aroma of braised meat and vegetables filled the room, rousing Lieke and coaxing her to sit up. Though I was certain she’d been awake, I still asked, “Sleep well?”

She only shrugged. Pulling her legs up onto the bed, she crossed them like a child and took the bowl when offered. But she didn’t eat. Instead she merely stared at the thick stew.

“You should eat, Sapphire,” I said, lifting a heaping spoonful to my mouth. It might have looked unappetizing, but it tasted divine. The food was perhaps the one redeeming quality of this village and the only thing I looked forward to when visiting—that and the ale at the tavern.

Once we had finished eating and piled our dishes beside the lantern, I grabbed one of the pillows and the extra blanket and dropped them onto the floor in front of the fireplace.

“What are you doing?” Lieke asked from her perch on the bed.

I didn’t look at her as I answered, “Going to bed—”

“Technically it looks like you’re going tofloor.”

Smirking to myself, I nodded. “I suppose so. But we should get some sleep. We’ll be meeting the villagers at the tavern in the morning.”

“And you’re going to be able to sleep there?” she asked.

“As Matthias said, we’re used to improvising.”