“What is in the village we’re heading to?”
Connor sighed loudly, but Matthias ignored him. “It’s—”
“Don’t,” Connor growled, and Matthias shrugged, turning forward again.
Pulling my reins back, I eased Honey to a stop. Connor let Rosie walk a few paces ahead of me before turning her head around and pulling up beside me. He glared at me, but I got the sense he wasn’t truly frustrated with me. Or maybe I was only hoping that was the case.
Taking a deep breath, I calmed myself and said—as kindly as I could manage—“I told you to trust me, Connor.”
“And I do, but you will not force me to speak on your terms or schedule. Have some stars-damned patience, Lieke. I have my reasons for not telling you everything.”
“And what are those?” I pushed back, my frustration mounting.
He inched Rosie forward until our legs brushed against each other, then leaned toward me. His golden-brown eyes blazed in the late-morning sun for a brief moment before he seemed to realize we were not alone. Darting a quick glance toward the guards who waited nearby, he slowly lifted his hand to my cheek and brushed his thumb over my skin. Without thinking, I nestled into his touch, but he pulled away quickly.
“Maybe…” he whispered, “maybe I wanted to allow you to enjoy this first leg of our journey without being burdened by fear and worry.”
My stomach hollowed, but I set my jaw, determined not to let the implications of what he was saying affect me. “I know the fae hate me and my kind, Wolfie. I know the risk I’m taking. Whatever it is, I can handle it.”
His eyes narrowed slightly before he raised a brow and straightened in his saddle. “Fine, Sapphire. Linley is where Griffin was from. You remember him, yes?”
The blood in my veins chilled as my mind swirled with memories of Griffin’s cruel voice and how he had attacked me in that hallway. If he was from Linley, then…
I met Connor’s unsympathetic gaze.
“Good. You do remember.”
“His family?” I whispered.
“They’re not too fond of you, as you can imagine.”
I turned to study the forest around us, as if his family might be waiting in these trees to ambush me, then asked, “So why are we—”
Wheeling Rosie around once more, Connor pulled away from me as he answered. “Because they pose the greatest risk. Not just to you, but to all humans—and by extension, the kingdom itself. We need to win them over before they can spread their discontent.”
With that, he grabbed my hand, giving me a reassuring squeeze as he interlaced our fingers together. He tossed his chin toward the road ahead.
“Come on, Sapphire. Your future subjects are waiting.”
We arrived in Linley just before suppertime. The sun bathed the village in a warm amber glow, making it seem more inviting than I knew it would be. The streets were empty, which was to be expected at this time of day, as families would be gathering in their homes for a meal.
Lieke had been quiet for the remainder of our ride here. As we exited the trees and stepped onto the wide dirt path that served as the village’s main street, her anxiety appeared to worsen. Pulling her bottom lip between her teeth, she scanned the buildings on either side of the road, and her knuckles whitened as she gripped the reins harder.
“Relax, Sapphire,” I whispered. Her eyes flicked to mine, and I tried to offer her a reassuring smile, but the worry remained written on her face. Reaching over, I covered her hand with mine, rubbing my thumb over her skin in soothing strokes. Instead of pointing out that this was the fear I had hoped to spare her from, I said softly, “We aren’t meeting with anyone tonight.”
She didn’t appear relieved, though, and her expression tightened.
Matthias slowed his horse to allow us to catch up to him. Turning to me, he gave Lieke a cursory glance. “I’ll secure rooms at the inn while you get the horses situated?”
I nodded, forgetting—until it was too late—to remind him to get Lieke a room of her own.
Together, Lieke and I rode around to the stables at the rear of the inn. I dismounted first and handed my reins to the stable hand. Lifting a hand to Lieke, I offered to help her off her horse. Her hand trembled in mine, but I didn’t comment on it. While she climbed down, I steadied her, and the eyes of the two guards and the stable hand burned into me, as if they were scrutinizing every move we made.
Pulling Lieke close, I cupped her jaw in my hands and lifted her face gently until she looked at me. Fear still swirled in her dark eyes.