Her pussy was already gleaming, ready and weeping forme. My mouth watered, studying the perfection that awaited me.
“Akhmim.” Her tone was fond but exasperated at the delay. “What are you doing? Did I miss a spot shaving?”
Reverently, I slid a claw up the inside of her thigh, causing her to shiver. “As if you could be less than perfect,” I scoffed. “I’m admiring my Mate’s pussy.”
Her fingers tugged on my topknot. “Could you admire it with your tongue, please?”
Laughing, I lowered my mouth to her sweetness, and we both groaned in appreciation.
When she came, I lapped up her spend, loving the way it coated my mouth and chin. And although I would gladly continue to lick her until she climaxed again, that wasn’t the plan for tonight.
Rosemary was tugging on my hair. “Up, up! I want you,” she was panting.
“Oh, it’smeyou want?” I teased, climbing to my feet. “Or my cock.”
“Your thick, ridged cock,” she moaned, wriggling happily against the mattress. “Now, please, Mate.”
Gods below, I would never tire of that word on her lips. I licked my own, dragging more of her perfection into my mouth, before grabbing her ankles and pulling her toward the end of the bed. She was the one to grab a pillow, and I shoved it under her ass, angling her pussy.
I paused, my hands on her hips. “Are you ready, wife?”
Her eyes gleamed happily at the word. “For you? Always.”
“But for my…me.” Was I blushing? Surely not. “Are you sure you’re ready to start trying for a kitling?”
In human-orc sexual pairings, the only way to create a child is between Mated pairs, so it’s normally a guilt-free pleasure. Since Rosemary accepted me as her Mate, however, we’ve been using protection.
Not tonight.
Her expression had softened into fondness, and now her hands rested on my forearms. “A little piece of you and a little piece of me, Akhmim. How could Inotwant that?” She dragged her touch down until she could peel my hands off her and twined her fingers through mine. “I love you, and I wantallof you.”
MyKteerhowled in joy, and my throat clogged with emotion. “I love you,dkaar.”
She smiled. “Yes, yes, very romantic.Give me your cock now please and thank you.”
I am nothing if not obliging.
When I slid inside her, it was like coming home. Her orgasm struck immediately, violent and delightful. I loved the way she writhed on my cock, and I couldn’t help but start to move, our fingers wrapped around each other’s, holding us together in so many ways.
As her inner muscles pulled at me, I could feel the pressure building at the base of my spine. I should have taken the time to coax my Mate’s pleasure three or fourmore times. This was our wedding night, after all, and special.
But then again, so was creating a kitling with Rosemary.
The thought of her, swollen with our child, smiling up at me, was everything I’d never dared to dream of as a boy. The image sent me over the edge.
Her orgasm was still spasming through her core when I threw my head back and came with a roar. My seed spilled inside her, filling her, marking her.
Claiming her.
She was mine. And I was hers.
Much later, after we cleaned up, and I brought her pleasure once more, Rosemary was sprawled across my chest as I lay spread out in the middle of the large bed.
“Mmmm. I could get used to all this space,” she was saying, one finger idly tracing on my chest. “Have I mentioned I love your bed?”
My eyes were closed, but I grinned up at the ceiling. “More than my cock?”
“That’s a tough one.” Rosemary tapped her finger and pretended to consider. “I suppose I should say I love your cock more than your bed, but I love you more than your cock.”