But by Friday night, I knew the truth: If Akhmim had pushed for it, I would have let him go all the way.Lethim? Hell, I would’ve stripped down and climbed on his lap.
Because the sexual tension in here was at like an eleven.
And more than that, I was pretty sure I was falling for him. Hard. Which is weird as hell for someone who never really believed in love. Oh, I believed in hormones, and safety, and a million other things that couldmasquerade as love. Butreallove? I’d always been skeptical.
And then I met Akhmim.
Akhmim, whogot me. Who could guess what I was thinking, who could make me laugh, who was kind and gentle and still strong and protective.
Yeah, I was falling for him.
Which was why I was looking forward to this last date.
On Saturday evening, he showed up on my porch with a blanket and a picnic basket. I was dressed in a little plaid skirt I’d made myself, and a cute vest I’d thrifted. “Where are we going?” I asked with excitement.
“Well, I asked Memnon where I could take you for a picnic on this island that was beautiful and private. He said the nature reserve was lovely, but in terms of privacy, your backyard was an oasis.”
Excited now, I tugged him inside. “Yes! Remember what I showed you from the porch? Maya designed this whole tea garden retreat, and Memnon helped landscape it! A backyard picnic was a great idea!”
And it would be very, very private.
“Wow,” Akhmim murmured as I presented the garden to him with a littleta-dadance. “I would have thought the fencing would be enough, but I’m really impressed by the trellising.”
“Me too!” I squealed, taking the blanket from him to spread it out on the grass in the middle of the tea garden. “The roses just took off this year, and in anotherfew years, I won’t be able to see over the azaleas behind them.”
As he settled beside me, I could tell he was also considering the privacy. I hoped to make use of it later.
It turned out that when Akhmim packed a picnic, he went all out. There were panini sandwiches from Meli’s Bake Shoppe, and chocolate-dipped strawberries, and a whole platter of cheeses, some crusty bread he’d pre-sliced, and a bottle of sweet wine. Did I mention the strawberries?
“Did you make these yourself?” I asked, holding up one after the first glass of wine and half the food was gone.
Was it my imagination, or did he flush? “Yeah. I thought you might like them.”
“Ilovechocolate-covered strawberries.”
His grin was shy. “Then I’ll make them for you again. Often.”
Feeling bold, I rolled to my knees and lifted the fruit to my lips, drawing it into my mouth in a way I hoped looked sexy and not like, you know, I was choking.
Since Akhmim growled, and his eyes flashed green, I think it worked. “Rosemary,” he rumbled in warning.
Smiling wickedly, I placed one hand on his shoulder and leaned closer, popping the half-bitten strawberry from my mouth and rubbing it along his lips. “So good,” I whispered.
His eyes fluttered shut in surrender, and he opened his mouth to take the full thing between his teeth with a groan of pleasure. I allowed my fingers to linger on hislips, tracing the contours until I moved along his jaw toward his ears. I swirled my fingertip along the inside of the pointed part and smiled when he shuddered.
Since his eyes were still closed, I felt safe glancing down at the huge bulge in his jeans.
It wasn’t new; I’d caught him with an erection a few times this week during our movie nights, although he’d always tried to hide it.
Now though? Flattering as hell.
I shuffled closer so I could lean against him and press my mouth to the tip of his ear.
Akhmim jerked, his eyes flying open. “If you continue that, I can’t promise what I’ll do.”
“Oh?” I asked innocently. “Are your ears erogenous zones?” I could tell by the heat in his eyes they most definitely were.
“Rosemary,” he growled, “you were the one who said we were starting over, taking it slow. I’m trying to do what you want.”