Page 22 of My Orc Pen Pal

But she wasn’t ready, not yet.

After a few million heartbeats of losing myself in her, I realized I wasn’t going to be able to rein in myKteerif we went much further. So I was the one to pull back, to stare down at her. In the light of the front porch lamp, her lips were swollen, her eyes glazed, her breaths coming in heaving pants.

I was going to remember the way she looked right now, tonight in the shower when I stroked myself. In that vein, I grinned wickedly and dropped one more quick, hard kiss to her lips, reveling in the scent of her arousal.

Before I escaped back to the driveway, I murmured a command: “Think of me tonight,dkaar.”

Chapter 8


That kiss ruined me.

I mean, I hadprinciples. I’d meant it when I told Akhmim we were going to start over. That was the whole point of the whole “three date” thing. Was I only going to give him three dates? No, probably not, but I was giving him three dates to convince me he wasn’t a lunatic, going on aboutforeverthe first time I met him.



But that kiss.

Man, I’d been ready to drag him inside and let him go to town again. When he’d stroked my lips with his tongue, I’d thought of how freaking good it had felt inside me, and I’d wanted that.I’d wantedhim.

I’m glad he was strong enough to remember my plan and leave…becauseoneof us has to be strong, dammit, and it ain’t me.

Which was why I called him even before he got home, wanting to talk more about the party at my parents’ place. And the next day, I texted him throughout my grading extravaganza. And Monday afternoon I gave into the inevitable.

Hey, I know I said only three dates, but any interest in a movie and junk food tonight? I was thinking of making taco dip, we could make margaritas…

His reply took less than a minute.

Does this count as our last date? Because I had plans for next weekend for the two of us.

Nope, not a date. Just…watching a movie? As friends?

…I don’t want to be just friends with you, Rosemary. I thought I’d made that clear.


OK, what if it’s not a date, but not just friends? It’s a…movie night between two people who want to date but are taking it slow.

I held my breath as he took his time answering. When he did, I exhaled on a laugh, because it wasn’t what I expected.

What movie?

My fingers flew across the phone’s screen.

Lord of the Rings? Margaritas and taco dip?

You had me at Frodo. I’ll bring enchiladas too. See you soon.

Andthatis how we ended up spending each night this week watching the extended edition of the most epic movie franchise in history. Since we’ve both seen it multiple times, we didn’t have to pause when we pointed out plot holes or behind-the-scenes facts or added our own snarky comments.

And he didn’t tease me when I cried at Boromir’s death.

In fact, we did a lot of snuggling. And a lot of kissing. I missed most of the battle of Helm’s Deep, and that’s saying a lot, because Legolas riding a shield is not something I usually skip.

Nothing more than kissing and a few fondles happened, though.