“But when I met her in person, I realized the truth. She’s my Mate, sir.” My hand rose to my chest, and it wasn’t until I felt my claws dig against my skin that I realized I was trying to scratch the itch that wasn’t really there. “Orcs are certain of these sorts of things. Iknowshe’s my Mate, and that means I will spend the rest of my life loving only her, devoted to only her.”
The older man studied me, his gaze turning speculative, before nodding and turning back to the grill. “Wondered if that’s what the glowy eyes thing meant.”
I exhaled, feeling as if I’d been released from a dangerous situation. “It is. It’s biological. It might seem sudden to anyone who doesn’t realize we’ve been corresponding for months, but that doesn’t make it less true.”
He nodded again, once, and gestured over his shoulder with the tongs without looking up. “Ro’s older brother met his wife online. It’s the thing these days. You didn’t use the word marriage, but I’m thinking you don’t needto, not with that pretty speech aboutforeveryou just gave.”
Was this…was this his blessing? “Thank you, sir,” I managed, throat tight.
He glanced my way, a hint of a smile at one corner of his lips. “Welcome to the family, son. Good luck.”
Still reeling from that casual acceptance, I rasped, “Why?”
His grin grew slightly. “Because I don’t think Ro’s accepted she’s your Mate, and she’s as stubborn as her mother.”
“Well…” I managed a weak smile in return. “I still have one more date to convince her.”
It was going to have to be a hell of a date.
It was dark by the time Mindy finally called an end to the festivities, and only then because the youngest of her grandchildren had fallen asleep on her. I suspect it was because he’d spent at least a half hour climbing all over me—his favorite place to perch had been on my right shoulder as he held my braid.
I shouldn’t have been surprised by the warm goodbyes and embraces I received as we were leaving, because Rosemary’s family had been nothing but kind and welcoming to me, but Iwas. I was still amazed that humans this wonderful would welcome someone so different.
So I was in a thoughtful frame of mind as I drove Rosemary back to her house. It wasn’t until I came around toher side of the Jeep and opened the door for her that she finally asked why.
“What are you thinking about?”
I took her hand and answered truthfully as we headed for her porch. “Your family. Your father.”
“I noticed the two of you talking for a while.” When I glanced down at her, she was trying for nonchalance. “What were you talking about?”
My grin turned teasing. “You,dkaar.”
She blew out a breath and swung around to climb the steps in front of me, so her eyes were even with mine. Since she was so close, I settled my hands on her hips.
“Thanks for chatting with him. My dad isn’t the easiest guy to get along with.”
My brows drew in thoughtfully. “That isn’t entirely true. He is a quiet male, yes, but it’s only because he’s considering his words and actions thoroughly.”
Rosemary reared back, surprise in her eyes. “What?” I asked.
“Iknow that about him,” she murmured, her gaze caressing my face as if searching for clues. “I’m just really impressed you were able to see that so quickly.”
I smiled softly. “You have a beautiful family, Rosemary. Thank you for inviting me to be a part of it today.”
Her lips parted, a breath tinged with surprise escaping, and it looked as if she was searching for words. “You… You’re a very special guy, Akhmim, you know that?”
MyKteersoared at her compliment, and then—and then!
Rosemary threw her arms around my neck and pulled my head down to capture my lips with hers.
I grinned against her mouth.
All week myKteerhad been miserable, missing this female—her scents, her feel. I needed to press her skin against mine. I needed to sink into her, to claim her.
But she wanted to start over, and that was fine with me. Because this kiss? It told me she was weakening for me.
I focused on coaxing little moans and whimpers from her, using only my lips and tongue. The night air was perfumed with the sweet scent of her arousal, and my cock throbbed at the sensation.