I leaned toward Rosemary, my gaze holding hers, my body language open…and she reciprocated. I saw her pupils tighten, her nostrils flare, then she was leaning toward me.
I stopped with my lips inches from hers.
“As for me, I’m definitely staying.”
Chapter 4
Maybe it was the wine,but after thatamazingdate, I invited Akhmim inside when he dropped me off. I mean, Iofferedto show him the view of the salt marsh, but since we could do that from the driveway just as well as inside on my couch, I don’t think we were fooling anyone.
Least of all ourselves.
Because I was honest enough to admit how badly I wanted him. IE:very. Very badly.
This surprised me because—as stated earlier—I’d never been a monster girly like some of my friends. Orc-craze had swept the internet when they’d emerged a decade ago, and my high school friends had drooled over them all.
But me? I’d seen MonsterSmash as more of a research project. I was curious to learn more.
What I’d learned was that Akhmim was sweet, intelligent, incredibly kind, and full of insights. And now that he was here, I’d learned one more thing about him: He was hot as hell.
Or maybe I only thought he was hot because I knew therealhim, thehimI fell for before I knew what he looked like.
Wait.Fell for? He was just my pen pal, wasn’t he?
A pen pal you’re going to jump as soon as possible.
Well, yes, possibly. Probably. Most likely.
Hewashot, with that gorgeous hair and those tusks and those big hands. I wanted to know what it would feel like to have him touch me some place besides just holding my hands. And sometimes, when I caught myself thinking such thoughts, and shuddered in anticipation, I would look up and catch Akhmim watching me.
I knew his senses were keener than mine. Could he tell what I was thinking?
“You have a lovely home.” He was standing in the middle of the living room, gazing about. “Did you make the curtains?”
He certainly thought I was talented, didn’t he? I plopped down on the couch with a little laugh. “I only make clothes. And I only learned to sew because I like to design, it’s like a creative outlet.”
Akhmim hesitated, then crossed the room to lower himself to the sofa beside me. But he took his time, as ifwaiting for me to object, or to jump up and declare Ishall be washing my hairor something.
“Well, they’re lovely. The curtains,” he finally said.
“Thanks. I couldn’t have bought the house without my parents’ help, because teaching isn’t exactly the way to get rich, but I’ve paid them back.” Why was I telling him this? “Wanna watch a movie?” My voice was a little higher pitched than usual as I scooped up the remote.
His hand closed around mine. “Why are you nervous, Rosemary?”
How could he know me so well already? I forced myself to breathe deeply. “I’m just… I can’t believe you’re reallyhere.” In my house. “On Eastshore. With me.”
Oh. Had I thought his soft smile sexy? It was even better when it turned knowingly wicked. Akhmim lowered my hand to my thigh. “It seems miraculous. I don’t want this night to end.”
“Me neither,” I whispered, wide-eyed, watching his lips.
Which curled again. “Then yes, let’s watch a movie together.”
What followed was the inevitable conversation about the movie choices, the genres, actors… I knew his favorite movies didn’t align with mine, but it became clear after a few suggestions that neither of us were really into this anyhow.
After a good ten minutes of debate, with my attention far more on him than the TV, I finally flipped over to a loop of a fire in a hearth, which made it look like we were staring at my nonexistent fireplace.