“I don’t need a job.” I’d been shot in the line of duty, so I had a hefty pension, plus the significant investments Sakkara had made for us all after the government paid us that hush money when we left their facilities. “I’m happy as I am.”

“Are you?” Sakkara shrugged, then turned. “I hope to see you at the Festival.”

I didn’t answer.

At the door, he paused and said over his shoulder, “Maya needs you, Memnon. She’s part of your responsibility, and she needs you. You have to help her, because you’re the only one of us who can.”

With those matter-of-fact, oh-so-certain words, Sakkara let himself out of my life.


I resisted the urge to throw the bottle at the door, and downed the rest of the beer.

It didn’t help.

I could still hear his words.Maya needs you. You have to help her

MyKteervery much liked the sound of that. Helping her, saving her, protecting her.

Stupid fuckingKteer. Stupid fucking instincts. They already got me shot once.

Oh, stop being so dramatic. It’s just digging some holes. Planting some plants, moving some dirt and rocks.

I winced, remembering my middle-of-the-night exercises in the back stairwell. I hated physical therapy and the smarmy know-it-all therapist. I was willing to work out, even if it hurt, because IknewI was getting stronger and more agile.

Working in the dirt would help you heal.

And I had to admit, I missed getting my hands dirty, being in nature. My people called ithavaant, that burst of energy you got from sinking your toes into dirt and your fingers into something growing, tipping your head back to soak in the sunshine.

I stared at the empty bottle. Ten years in the biggest city in America, andnowI was craving some nature?

Well, I knew how to accomplish that.

Besides, Maya needed me.

And I would do a fuck of a lot to protect her, even get shot again. Even shovel some dirt.

Looks like you’re going gardening.

I went to toss the bottle in the recycling bin and find my shoes. I guess I had a job interview.

Chapter Four


The sun was setting laterand later as spring rushed past. I loved this time of year, when I could smell the new life around me and feel the fresh breeze renewing the town.

Also, bonus, Eastshore hadn’t yet hit theHot as Ballsstage when the humidity was 145% and the mosquitos became ravenous beasts.

I was puttering around, sweeping the last of the vermiculite Sandra had accidentally dropped during the afternoon rush, and wondering if I could get away with closing fifteen minutes early. After all, if I locked up now, I could make it to the nature reserve for a quick hike before dinner.

My stomach growled, and I smirked. “Well, there goes that plan,” I murmured to myself. Could I make a quick cup of ramen on the hot plate in the back, and still get to the creek before dark? Probably not.

Decisions, decisions.

“Better be responsible and stay open till six.” I doubted anyone else would come in this late on a Saturday evening, but I couldn’t be sure. Then I could make my noodles guilt-free and settle down with that new elf multiple-partners book Ro brought over.

And depending on how good the naughty bits were, maybe I could get out my orc dildo later…