Maybe it’s Maya.
It wasn’t Maya, I knew that. But the thought of those long legs, and that tousled hair, and the way her lips had curled into that soft smile made myKteer—and my cock—get involved.
Face down in a bed isnotthe time you want to get a boner.
Think about something else.
Right. The bloated, gray face of a suffocation victim, his tongue too large for his mouth, his eyes popping out—Yep, there went my hard-on. Remembering various visits to the NYC morgue worked every time.
The knock came again.
I ignored it again.
Thethirdtime the unknown knocker pounded on my door, it was accompanied by a yelled, “I’m not going away, Memnon!” At which point, the unknown knocker became a known knocker, and my curse was muffled against the pillow.
Sakkara. Always sticking his nose into other’s business.
By the fourth knock, I figured I was going to have to do something about him. Stupid fucker wouldn’t take a hint and leave me alone.
I knew from experience.
Deciding I didn’t owe him any modesty, I stomped to the front door just as he knocked afifthtime.
“Memnon,” he called in an oh-so-reasonable-voice. “We both have things to do. Come?—”
“What?” I growled, immaturely pleased to interrupt him.
He paused. Then, “Can I come in?”
“Memnon. I’m alone. Your brother is at work. No one is going to see?—”
I yanked the door open.
Look, there are certain universal truths. Taxes, death, the disgustingness of liverwurst,et cetera. And one of the lesser-known truths is: If a wet naked dude opens the door, you’re going to look, no matter how happily Mated you are.
Sakkara looked.
And to give him credit, he didn’t flush, didn’t look away in embarrassment. I was naked, and he called my bluff. His gaze dropped right past my cock and settled briefly on the mass of scars that had once been my right thigh.
Then he skipped his gaze back to mine and lifted a brow, as if to ask,Was that supposed to frighten me away?
I turned around and stomped back toward my room, muttering under my breath about nosy assholes.
Took my time drying off and getting dressed too. I didn’t blow-dry my hair, but I considered it. My twin brother kept his cut short, and I always claimed that I grew mine out so people could tell us apart…but really, I liked the way it felt like freedom.
Kinda felt like home. Like I was connected to my ancestors in an intangible way. In a way I’d never be able to replicate, because I couldn’t go home?—
Snarling at my reflection, I grabbed an elastic band and wrenched my hair into a wet bun on top of my head. Good enough, and not at all maudlin.
It was a good twenty minutes later when I finally gave up trying to outwait Sakkara. I could hear him out there in the living room—not pacing, not fussing, justbeing. Being in my space.
I’d shared a womb with Simbel. I’d spent the last decade living in a tiny city apartment with him. I was okay withhimbeing in my space. But other males…?
Scowling, I stomped back into the living room. “What?” I barked.