A lot of landscaping firms had bid on the job. I wasn’t the cheapest—I couldn’t afford to be—but in my proposal, I played up the fact that I was the only Eastshore Isle resident who wanted the job. I knew the Town Council was big on supporting our community, and it worked.

I loved running my shop, but I was finally—finally—going to have the opportunity to get my handsreallydirty. I’d gone to school for landscape architecture, and after years of saving money for equipment and tools, I was going to be able to do what I loved.

Assuming I could get some help.

“The contract starts next week,” I confessed as we loaded the third azalea into her trunk. “If I don’t get help soon, I’m going to have to start advertising on the mainland, which means I’ll have to offer higher rates, which is going to be a problem.”

I’d already cut every single expense I could spare, and some I couldn’t, to afford to pay another employee.

We were pulling the fourth and final azalea from its shelf, and I was lecturing Ro on their care, when it tipped sideways, spilling fresh dark dirt all over her sundress. “Oh, shit!” I blurted.

To her credit, she didn’t react, but helped me lower the pot into the wagon before straightening and frowning down at herself. “Well, it was probably stupid to wear something cute to garden in anyhow. You’re always more practical.” The way she winked took the sting out of the words. “Can I go wash my hands?”

“Of course!” I pointed her toward the small bathroom in the back while I hurried to bring the last plant out to her car.

When I returned, I expected her to be out by the counter, but she wasn’t. Oh well, I had to return the wagon anyway. But when I stepped into the back room, I winced to see Ro peeking her head around a pretty decorative screen I’d set up along the back wall.

The screen which, despite my attempts at camouflaging it with a few hanging planters, hid my bed.

Ro was frowning, glancing between the bed and me, as she came back around it. “Maya, what’s going on? I saw a toiletries bag in the bathroom, but this… It looks like you’re sleeping here?”

I sighed, caught. “The bathroom is perfectly fine, and I can take—well, not baths, not showers, but I can clean myself fine. And I can wash my clothes in the slop sink.” I pointed. “And I know it’s a little weird to sleep in my back room, but there’s electricity, and the air conditioning will keep this place cool in the summer, and I think?—"

“Whoa, whoa.” Ro patted the air as she stepped closer, as if trying to decide if I needed a hug. “Are you okay? You’re really sleeping here? Like…full-time?”

Oh crap. I suck at lying, so I just sighed again and told her the truth. “I need to save money, so I sold most of my furniture. I found the cot at a flea market on the mainland, but the air mattress and foam topper make it much more comfortable.”

“So you’re…you’renotliving at your apartment any longer?”

“I can’t afford both rents,” I admitted quietly, not able to look her in the eye. “I need the money…”To pay the new employee.“Until the job is complete and the government checks start rolling in.” Then I’d be able to use that money to pay my hypothetical future employee who hadn’t yet shown up to help.

Ro made a little noise of understanding, one that sounded pitying, and enveloped me in a hug. Despite the dirt on her dress, it was a great hug. Ro had huge boobs and gave the world’s best hugs.

“Is it your landlord?” she asked. “Is he gouging you?”

My “No,” was muffled, so I turned my head to answer. And so I wouldn’t suffocate. “My apartment lease was up. And the rent on this place is reasonable.”

“Didn’t you say it had sold? The owner was an ass, right?” She was rubbing my back.

“The old one was always charging me extra. He sold at the beginning of the year to some LLC in New York, I don’t know anything about it, but the new owner is totally chill. Hasn’t raised rent or asked for separate utilities or anything.”

Ro gently straightened. “You mean the way it’s supposed to be?”

“Yeah, but if he found out I waslivinghere…” I sighed and pulled away, my lips curled ruefully. “Not good.”

“Um…yeah.” She winced and fussed with her hair. “I think it’s against regulations or whatever to sleep in a commercial building. I’m sorry, Maya.”

I scrubbed my hand over my face. “I’m not going to ask you to lie for me, because it’s not like I did a good job of keeping it secret. I just…I need the money.”

“I understand.” Smiling, Ro clasped my hand. “And I’m your friend, so you don’t have to ask. Now, how about letting me pay for all those gorgeous azaleas, and you can lecture me some more on how to take care of them?”

See? My favorite customer. She always knew exactly what to say to make me feel better.

Chapter Three


I was soakingwet and face down in my bed, contemplating the weight required to smother me against these pillows, when I heard the knock on my door. Simbel was at work—hence my long, hot shower—and I wasn’t expecting anyone, so I ignored it.